10,000 people for quality assurance: facts and interesting insights into Google Web Search



Even after more than 20 years, Google Web Search has lost none of its status and remains the first point of contact for many people looking for information. On the occasion of its 20th anniversary, Pandu Nayak, Vice President of Research, again provided interesting information on Web search in an interview and also dispelled some misunderstandings.

While web search remains Google's most important product, changes made at this stage are rarely reported, making it one of the most annoying products at once. This is partly due to the fact that web search is perceived as a tool rather than a product, but also because the many improvements – which are done almost daily – are largely in the background and are not visible to the user.

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In an interview with futurezone, Vice President of Research, Pandu Nayak, gave interesting information about the web search that everyone may not know. Here is a brief overview of the most important points.

  • When Google was launched, there were only a few million websites, now it costs several billion.
  • At the beginning of the web search, the index was updated only once a month – today, the websites are in the index in a matter of seconds .
  • Artificial intelligence will also play an increasingly important role in web search
  • In total, more than 10,000 people around the world are working on quality badurance of web search – although developers count, unfortunately, is not dawning.
  • This 160-page document (PDF) explains how Google evaluates the quality of search results. On this basis, the 10,000 good people are working to improve the search on the Web.
  • In fact, the search results are hardly personalized, but rather localized. It will not change in the future
  • Google now considers web search relatively inviolate – this also applies to electoral influence

The full interview with more details on individual points is available on futurezone.

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