2. League: Steyr after a strong start: "Indescribable!"


3,200 spectators, one point against favorite SV Ried – debut in new second league succeeded for Vorwärts Steyr (Spielbericht >>>)

"We have seen that we can absolutely play," said Midfielder Stefan Gotthartsleitner

The season has not started well for the newcomer, but already in the third minute, the Rieder encouraged a penalty from Darijo Pecirep on the leadership. "We know our virtues – the fighting, racing and engagement, as we have demonstrated this time, "says newcomer Lukas Gabriel, not without pride.His teammate Philipp Bader adds:" Emotions, pbadion, militant heart, we knew all that it would not be easy, but we knew we had a chance, we know what we can do. "

Coach Gerald Scheiblehner joins" The guys fought incredibly and threw everything. I'm proud of the way we've eliminated this quick gap. "

" You're coming into the tunnel … "

Good start makes you want to over, however, Gotthartsleitner warns," Every player has There is still a lot of work to do, the season is long, we have to give 100 per cent to every game, otherwise we will not score. "

Everyone in Steyr is very happy with the good atmosphere that prevailed in the derby of Upper Austria. "You go down into the tunnel, then you go out, the drums and shouting begin – it's indescribable," Bader enthuses.

Scheiblehner is also satisfied: "The audience was a great support, I am very satisfied." [19659002] Here is the complete game as ReLIVE >>>

Source: © LAOLA1.at

1. Day: All video clips of the 2nd League

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