20 minutes – Bale rejects the wedding for fear of an attack


Third consecutive title in the Champions League, plus the birth of the third child in May: Car Gareth Bale is doing pretty well. He wanted to marry long-time friend Emma Rhys-Jones this summer. Aged 26, she is also the mother of her two daughters, Alba Violet (5) and Nava Valentina (2), and their newly born son, Alex Charles. But this marriage has now been canceled – and should be postponed according to the British "Sun" in 2019.

As a justifiable insider against the tabloid, the couple wants the situation around the Rhys-Jones family to settle down somewhat. Because there is an eventful period – including a war on drugs.

In 2013, Bale's father-in-law, Martin Rhys-Jones, was sentenced to six years in prison for fraud. The now 54-year-old had deceived investors by hundreds of thousands of dollars. Rhys-Jones was released in June of this year. According to media reports, the couple were waiting for the wedding to come out of prison

Video: Bale's Dream Gate in the Champions League Final

As Ronaldo: Bale strikes in the back. Video: Tamedia / SRF

In 2016, arson was committed on the house of Aunt Emma Rhys-Jones in Wales. Several cars burned. According to the Sun, the attack was allegedly perpetrated by a rival drug gang.

In 2017, members of the Rhys-Jones family allegedly stole 750,000 books, watches and cocaine from a drug gang. The stolen property would have disappeared by the end of 2017. Part of the money was later found in the uncle of Emma Rhys-Jones – in May 2018, however, he was acquitted.

Apparently, the couple now feared attacks on the marriage. The pop star Beyoncé should have appeared at the party



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