2018 will be the "year of the ticks": the experts prophesize the region of leech plague


2018 will be the "year of ticks": experts prophesy bloody plague

  A tick tries to bite his head.

A tick tries to bite his head

Photo: zecken.de

They are small, difficult to recognize and, in the worst case, they can transmit even bad diseases – Zecken [19659007] This summer there should be a lot of small leeches in Germany. More than in the previous ten years. Experts warn even before the year " ticks ".

But what makes the common wood or Ixodes ricinus so dangerous, how can I catch it and why is it so bad this year?


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Ticks are for most sit on bushes, shrubs and herbs. There, they wait for a vertebrate, such as a human or a dog, to pbad and accidentally take them with them

If the tick finds its place on the skin, it stings and sucks the blood until it almost bursts. However, with her saliva, she gives back some of the blood and, in some cases, an unpleasant cargo. Thus, the tick is the main transmitter of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE), a viral meningitis that can be fatal. For FSME, there is a preventive vaccine.

Lyme disease is also transmitted by ticks . There is no vaccine for them, but antibiotic treatment is very effective.

But why is the risk so high in 2018?

Gerhard Dobler of the "German Infection Research Center": "This year the overall risk is particularly high, we will have the highest number of ticks in the last decade."

Dobler has developed a predictive model for the tick population with the help of other scientists. This could already calculate in winter how much the plague will be in the summer to come. In addition to the average annual temperature and the winter temperature, the number of beechnuts is taken into account in the calculation.

The more hay there is two years before the summer, the more game and rodents have food and serve as transmitters for ticks, which would then also appear more. So, there must have been a lot of beechnuts in 2016.

Where do ticks really like to bite?

Ticks feed on average between two and eight days. Depending on the stage of development, as they constantly risk being torn or bitten, they must look for the best place possible.

In humans, ticks are often found on the head, neck, shoulders and elbows. , the navel, the bad area or the popliteal fossa. By the way, ticks can crawl along the body for an hour to find a suitable place

How can I protect myself?

It is best to wear closed clothes. So, ticks find a bite point more difficult. The use of repellents (protective spray against mosquitoes and ticks) on the skin also protects, but this protection is limited in time.

How can I remove a tick if I am bitten?

] Check with tweezers or a special instrument to remove ticks as close as possible to the surface of the skin, that is, slowly and directly on the skin of the tick

Under no circumstances should it be sprayed with oil or glue before it is removed. This would unnecessarily irritate the animal and could cause it to release its saliva and thus any infectious agents. Then disinfect carefully

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