9 tips for more space and control


  Fresh and fast: With our tips you still make the legs of Android.

Fresh and fast: With our tips you still make your legs on Android.
(© TURN ON 2018)

There's nothing like a freshly installed smartphone! If the phone, but sometimes no longer wants to install the updates, you have to clean Android. We will give you nine tips to free space and organize.

1. Enjoy the maintenance of the Android device

   Even with simple embedded resources, you can gain memory


Even with simple embedded resources, you can gain some memory. (© TURN ON 2018)

If your Android smartphone was already shipped with Android 8.0 Oreo or if you got the version as an update, there are simple ways to clean the smartphone and clear the memory. Go to the device maintenance in the settings and select "Optimize Now". You can also clean the memory by pressing "Memory" and then "Cleanup".

2. Clear cache data

Each app on your Android smartphone uses a cache or buffer that stores data that may be needed quickly. For example, this shortens the loading times. The more it accumulates in the cache, the less memory is available for other things and the more the smartphone will become slow over time. You can either selectively delete the cache data for individual applications ("Settings> Applications> XY App> Memory> Clear Cache") or choose the simplest way ("Settings> Device Maintenance> Memory> Cleanup"). # 39; applications.

3. Uninstall / Disable Unused Applications

   All applications can not be uninstalled, but you can disable at least several


All applications can not be uninstalled, but many can be disabled. (© TURN ON 2018)

Applications that you no longer use are also unnecessary ballasts on your smartphone. A regular look at the list of installed applications can not hurt. Although all unused applications can not be uninstalled. But even most of the applications that come with the manufacturer's user interface on the smartphone can be at least disabled. This ensures order in the application drawer or on the home screen.

4. Clean up the download folder on

Like any PC or Mac, your Android smartphone also has a download folder. If you typed a web browser, for example, on a pdf file, it will have landed in it. Even the data that downloads your applications can be found there. To clean Android, go to the file manager of your smartphone, go to the download folder and delete all or part of the files. If you just want to get rid of individual files to make room, just sort the data by size.

5. Storing data in the cloud

   Google gives you 15 gigabytes of storage space in the cloud - so use it!


Google offers you 15 gigabytes of cloud storage space – so use it! (© TURN ON 2017)

If you have an Android smartphone, you also have a Google Account. And with every Google account, 15 gigabytes of free cloud storage are available. For example, to erase the smartphone's internal memory, you can move data to Google Drive. To do this, tap the desired files on the share or share button and select "Save to Google Drive". The file can then be deleted from the smartphone's memory.

6. Using a microSD card

Anyone who photographs or films with a smartphone always has an interest in storing the data directly on a microSD card rather than in the camera's internal memory. The photos already landed, but also the applications and other data can of course be reported on an SD card. You can find out how it works in our guide with video.

7. Deleting photos from internal memory

   Photos already stored in the cloud can be deleted from the internal memory of the smartphone


Photos already stored in the cloud can be viewed from the internal memory of the cloud 39; device. Remove smartphones (© TURN ON 2018)

If your Android smartphone does not have a slot for microSD cards, there is another way to outsource photos: the cloud. Google Photos offers you free and unlimited storage for your photos when you download them in high resolution rather than in original size. If Google Photos regularly backs up captured images, you can safely delete data from your smartphone's memory and access images via the cloud service from anywhere.

8. Sort music and podcasts offline

In addition to photos and videos, downloaded music and podcasts can support much of your smartphone's memory. If you use Google Play Music on your Android device, the service can automatically download music or podcast subscribers, depending on the setting. In the application settings, you can preview all the locally stored data and delete it specifically. The same is of course possible with other streaming music services such as Spotify or YouTube Music.

9. Delete offline maps in Google Maps

   If you no longer need them, you must also remove offline maps from Google Maps.


If you do not need it anymore, you must also delete the offline maps in Google Maps. (© TURN ON 2018)

Offline maps in Google Maps let you navigate from A to B even without a mobile data connection. However, these cards can take up a lot of storage space – depending on the size of the card section selected for download. If you need some cards only for a certain period of time, for example on vacation, then you should delete them and clear your memory.

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