Studies on the day of the kiss:


UNIQA's health experts recommend: Kiss keeps you healthy, slim and makes you happy

Vienna (OTS) Tomorrow is the international kiss day. UNIQA's health experts have now gathered the studies and the most important reasons that scientifically prove that kisses make us live safer, better, longer!

Facial Exercise with Factor of Wellbeing
Depending on the intensity of the kiss, it burns about two to seven calories per minute. And by kissing – as in "real" gymnastics – the circulation, the heart and lungs start.

Biochemically many kisses: Dopamine, serotonin and endorphins are released, activating our reward system and creating a relaxed and joyful mood. At the same time, the hormone cortisol is broken down and the stress is contained. Training for the Immune System

In a kiss of the tongue, not only a lot of saliva, but also bacteria are exchanged – up to 80 million in a very short time. With good oral hygiene and a healthy oral flora, this is not a problem. Through "bacterial exchange", the partner comes into contact with new bacteria against which the body's immune system is mobilized. In the future, you will be better protected against potential bacterial invaders – so kissing is a kind of workout for the immune system.

Kissing shows if chemistry is good
Experts believe that labial contact is the potential partner of one's immune system. genetic characteristics and state of health. By embracing, we discover the immunocompatibility of the partner

By kissing, we receive other important information about the partner: In addition to the olfactory messages, the hormonal composition of the Male saliva informs women about the character of the partner. Conversely, men can learn about the salary exchange during the partner's cycle phase.

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