Office 365 – Secret API Administration allows you to read e-mail activities


  Microsoft Office 365 seems to allow administrators to monitor email activity with the help of a special API. Microsoft Office 365 allows administrators to monitor e-mail activity through a special API.

Microsoft Office 365 the ability to monitor the e-mail activities of users of the software. This is made possible by a secret API that, according to Crowdstrike, provides access to anyone who knows the "API endpoint and a specific HTTP header".

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The Web API apparently uses the Exchange Web Services to track the use of Office 365 Outlook. The API stores all data, including login times, message receipts, mailbox searches, and reading activities, for up to six months. However, the content of the messages is not shown in the corresponding data log.

The purpose of this monitoring feature is to counter potential hacking attacks: users should be able to find attackers more easily in this way.

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Following the Crowdstrike report, Microsoft officially confirmed the existence of the API towards Heise. However, the company does not recommend the use of the feature because it can not be guaranteed "that the data is sufficiently accurate or complete to conduct security investigations". However, Microsoft does not explain why it has not informed Office users (and their administrators) of the existence of the API.

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