A three-year-old cancer patient sprinkles flowers at the wedding of her bone marrow donor


  Cancer patient jumps flowers at wedding of bone marrow donor

Shutterstock / Symbolbild

At the age of only one year, Skye Savren-McCormick , now three years old, was diagnosed with juvenile leukemia myelomonocytic . This is a particularly malignant form of leukemia in infants and toddlers. Hayden Hatfield Ryleys however, improved the chances of survival for little Skye, so that on the day of her marriage she used a basket of flowers to thwart the age of her donor [19659007] first anonymous

Early doctors of the so young cancer patient of the United States gave only a ten percent survival chance. The girl had to undergo blood and plasma transfusions, as well as the following complications and a ten-month hospital stay. There was a glow of hope in Hayden's bone marrow, aged 26, who was listed for donations.

Although the donation is anonymous, the badistant wrote a letter to the Skye family about the Be the match. At the request of both parties, the non-profit organization finally allowed direct contact. To congratulate Skye on the occasion of her third birthday, the donor sent her a letter inviting her to her wedding as a florist. At the wedding rehearsal, the two met for the first time. Skye's mother Talia Savren-McCormick still remembers this magical moment: " Hayden came immediately to us, fell on his knees and hugged Syke ]C & # 39; was comforting, "said the mother in a conversation with CNN.

The reaction of the guests was also eloquent: "You could even hear people sobbing," says wedding photographer Jeannie Broadway in an interview with CNN. Especially for the Hayden Bride it was a special day: "It means everything to me." Throughout this trip, I never thought I was helping it because it was an honor and a privilege to help.In my eyes, Skye saved my life. "

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