Berlin Fashion Week: Like no buttons like never before


Sanding, loops, hooks and closures with loops and hooks. If you can read something like a real trend of the more than 200 events of Berlin Fashion Week, then: Our fashion is getting more and more without buttons!

Why do designers catapult themselves in the early Middle Ages and even more often to the good German invention? Renounce the century – you can only speculate about it. Acceptable buttons are expensive and buttoning consumes time. Of these you have less and less nowadays.

At the end of fashion week, too, we are pushing for the Tube. Even though it's more dreamy this season than usual, the motto of its StyleNite "Dream Again" in front of 1,500 guests in the Tempodrom was: "Less mbad, more clbad as a radical alternative to fashion daily."

<img data-id = "30922624" src = "" clbad = "center" alt = "19659005] On the glittering bridge: A model Michalsky

With" sharp lines and swinging silhouettes, whose construction is reminiscent of the dynamics of boxing ", Michalsky skilfully puts accents in fashion Udo Walz has been authorized to take care of the headgear of the bridge staff, which also includes models of the TV show "Next Top Model of Germany." For the appropriate music, the songwriter- British interpreter Charlie Winston ("Like a Hobo") was booked.

Stiller let go in the historic Kronprinzenpalais. Economy Senator Ramona Pop (Greens) opened on Friday the eye-catching show-group with looks Young designers and industry celebrities, including Odeeh, Rianna + Nina, W illiam Fan, Lala Berlin and – we heard and surprised – Disney.

Last but not least celebrate at Weißenseer artists studio and make the night a beautiful day. Because fashion should not really be dark.

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