Chief salaries flow – only not in the Dax


Director's salary
The chief's salaries go down – but not to Dax

  A lot of value compared to his staff: Head of Post Frank Appel.


Worth With regard to his staff especially: Frank Appel, CEO of Post

Dax company bosses earned 5% more in 2017 than a year ago. Thus, their wages have however grown against the trend of listed companies in Germany, according to a study published Sunday by the consulting firm EY.

Thus, the salaries of the directors of the MDax companies remained about the same, in the SDax they decreased by 13% and in the TecDax even by 20%.

With regard to the board of directors, a similar situation appeared. Here too, executive salaries of Dax companies have increased by 5%. They fell by 3% in the SDax, by 7% in the SDax and by 13% in the TecDax

This shows that the positive commercial development registered in the majority of German companies does not automatically lead to significant salary increases. Businesses seem to have set ambitious goals that could not always be achieved by management. Jens Mbadmann, EY's executive compensation specialist, sees the development as a proof of the quality of the systems of compensation and incentive of companies.

Last week, a study published by the Hans Böckler Foundation, employee salaries have increased considerably in recent years. Last year, senior executives earned 71 times more than an average employee, in 2014 it was still 57 times. Remarkable in the consideration: Postmaster Frank Appel, who came up with his references on the 232-Fache of a middle post employee.

cr / afp

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