VW invests billions in the electric offensive in China «kleinzeitung.at


By 2022, 15 billion euros will go to electromobility, autonomous driving and digitization.

16:42, July 10, 2018

China invests 15 billion in China © APA / EPA / JULIAN STRATENSCHULTE

Volkswagen wants to invest billions in electromobility, autonomous driving and digitization with its partners in China. By the year 2022, a total of 15 billion euros should be made available for these future issues, VW said Tuesday. The money should also fund the research and development of new technologies.

The German company signed a memorandum of understanding on the occasion of the state visit of the Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang in cooperation with his partner FAW in China to reinforce these topics. "By developing partnerships, the Volkswagen Group wants to strengthen its position on the important Chinese market," said CEO Herbert Diess .

China is the world's largest market for electric mobility and a pioneer in the field will set quotas for the sale of electric cars. As part of its electrical offensive in 2025, Volkswagen wants to deliver about 1.5 million vehicles with alternative drive technologies in China. To this end, over the next seven to eight years, 40 new electric cars or hybrids produced locally by VW Group brands, Audi, Skoda, Seat and the joint venture with the Chinese partner JAC will be marketed

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