AAU: Business meetings in the middle of the summer


Union and company committee make serious allegations

Vida union and board committees Bord and Austrian Airlines continue to feel the tension as workers' representatives are accused of serious charges against the direction. Mid-summer business meetings could now lead to air traffic deficiencies.

"Please wait until a new collective agreement continues for more than 4,000 employees of the Austrian management team, and the company refuses to stand in approved corner journals in early May, what who is very irritating After a 24 hour marathon bargaining on the new CT agreed, and from the AAU, it was said that the conclusion should bring peace to the company and open up prospects for employees, "said Johannes Schwarcz, Vida." The company apparently wanted to make sure that the 60-year celebration of the AAU could unfold smoothly and that it was accomplished. " The fact that the employees remain without KV apparently interests the Austrian Airlines negotiators Jens Ritter and Natalie Rau The effects of the new law on working time in aviation are not yet predictable and, again, mbadive problems could arise for the s colleagues. "
Andreas Geldner, Vice-Chairman of the Company Committee, adds: "The company suddenly links its signature to points that have been claimed and that have never been accepted – points that we can not approve, among others, disadvantage mothers and part-time workers be ".

Business meetings in the middle of the summer Schwarcz and Geldner ask the Austrian to sign the "collective agreement" as soon as possible. Should not be a solution immediately on the table, we will inform the staff this summer as part of the business meetings. In addition, the Chamber of Commerce is called to represent the Austrian partnership, the collective agreement to give legal validity to trade unionists: We expect the Chamber of Commerce to act as a social partnership and mediator, and what the AUA book here is an unprecedented affront. "

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