Prince Louis: Prince Harry makes a touching gift to his nephew for baptism


With the birth of

Prince Louis
April 23, 2018

Prince Harry
33 years old, was already uncle for the third time. His creativity and generosity, however, set no limits – as did Louis at his baptism on July 9 on a very special and moving gift. Harry spared no expense for that.

Prince Harry: He gives a book to Prince Louis

According to the British newspaper The Sun Harry opted for an edition of the best-selling children Winnie The Pooh author Alan Alexander Milne decided to give a gift to Baby Louis – and spent £ 8,000 (equivalent to $ 9,000)! What makes the specimen so precious: It belongs to the first edition of 1926, which included only 30,000 pieces. But that's not all, Harry himself has a deep personal connection with Winnie The Pooh .

Baptism of Prince Louis

A Great Day for Duchess Catherine and Prince William

Tribute to Princess Diana

"One of the most beautiful childhood memories of Harry was a story of his mother "of the Duke of Susbad The sun. "She loved all the old clbadics and Harry had the brilliant idea of ​​setting up a small library of first editions for Louis, Charlotte and George so that they could enjoy it as they grew up." In the years to come many more books should follow. For example, Harry also envisioned Lewis Carroll (purchase price: £ 24,000) for Louis, but ruled that Winnie The Pooh was more appropriate as a baptismal gift, the l Friend chatted
With affectionate gesture, Prince Harry once again proves that he is the soul of the royal family. In fact only a matter of time until the 33-year-old and his wife

Duchess Meghan
36, start their own family.

Duchess Catherine and Prince William

First appearance with their three children George, Charlotte + Louis

On the occasion of the baptism of Prince Louis, the youngest child of Prince William and Duchess Catherine, the Cambridge family landed on July 9th at the press for the first time since the birth of the hive. Watch the sweet shots that Kensington Palace posted on their Twitter page in the video.

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