SHARE IN FOCUS 2: The good order situation pushes Nordex share forward | message


FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) – Strong demand for Nordex wind turbines pushed Thursday's share price up. North Germans recorded orders almost twice as high from April to June than a year ago. The investor rewarded with a price increase of nearly 5 percent to 10,310 euros.

For wind turbines with a total output of nearly 1.1 gigawatts, Nordex collected bookings in the second quarter. However, more than half of this amount goes to the account of a big order from Brazil, which the company had already announced on Monday. As a result, Brsenkurs had already greatly increased

. The badyst Sebastian Growe of Commerzbank pointed out that Nordex had recorded orders with a total output of more than one gigawatt for the third consecutive quarter. Thus, the company's forecast for the business figure and the operating result (Ebitda) for the current year are virtually in dry weeks. In addition, the situation visibly improves for 2019 and beyond.

However, the latest facilities commissioned will only be delivered in the fourth quarter of 2019, added the expert. During the year 2020, higher earnings forecasts are not much in demand, at least in the short term.

In addition, Nordex shares are already better listed on the market than those of the Danish company Vestas. Growe argued that the good prospects for Nordex – especially in Latin America – have already been high enough in the price of the stock. He therefore continued to vote in favor of "holding" securities with a price target of 10 euros.

Nordex investors did not much appreciate the paper: late 2015 to late 2017, the price was stagnating, mainly burdened by a high capacity in the industry and therefore low prices. Since then, the stock has fluctuated between 7 and 11.50 Euro / Bek / stw / fba

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