Shock injury: Instagram model bitten by Hai


Life threatening situation. Katarina Zarutskie entered a dangerous situation with her photo shoot. The 19-year-old Instagram model swam for pictures in the Bahamas with sharks. Suddenly, one of the animals slams and tries to pull it under the water. Thank God, she was able to free herself from the situation. She also displays the photos of her injury

Horror-Bilder. She said "Buzzfeed News" about her reaction. As the shark bit, she tried not to panic and lifted her bloody arm out of the water. Zarutskie wanted to prevent the remaining sharks from still having a taste in their blood. "I'm lucky to have my left hand," she said.

© katarinazarutskie / Instagram

Swirling on the Web. Many now accuse the influencer of discrediting sharks with their careless behavior. She replied: "I love sharks and do not blame them, they are wild animals and you can not control such a situation."

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