On Sundays we are almost all Croats


Vienna / Zagreb. Absolutely Ottakring stood head to head after the 2: 1 on England: dancing, singing, applauding. The Balkan mile in the 16th district of Vienna looked like a sea of ​​Croatian flags. And now the final of the World Cup: Croatia against France. A historic football festival, oe24.TV transmits the full game (see below).

Earth quaked. 4.3 million inhabitants have Croatia. When Mario Mandzukic scored the winning goal in the 109th minute, the whole country "shook": the "Geofizika uzivo" (live geophysics) measuring station showed slight shocks. 17 minutes later, when the final whistle sounded, the seismologists again recorded a slight earthquake, especially in the capital Zagreb.

Austro-Croats. 150,000 Croatians live in Austria, most of them in Vienna, 25,000 of whom belong to the Croatian minority in Burgenland. There are three main Croatian football clubs: Cro-Vienna Florio, Dinamo Ottakring and SC Gradisce.

But: Croatian athletes who serve Austria have always applauded: n Mirna Jukic, the swimmer, with her parents when seven years came to Austria, won 23 medals.

  • The football star Ivica Vastic played 50 times for the Austrian national team.

350,000 Austrians currently in Croatia on holiday

Popular. Also: For 33% of Austrians, the Croatian coast is now the number one holiday destination. This puts the youngest country in the EU (since 2013) on an equal footing with Italy.

  • About 350,000 Austrians are currently on holiday between Dubrovnik and Rovinj, the most popular destinations. Overall, the Austrians made 7.6 million overnight stays in Croatia in 2017. Eleven billion euros are tourism revenues. For the first time in 2017, the country had a more economical. The success curve does not just point up in sports. Chancellor Kurz summarizes: "Croatia shows that even a small country can achieve great things."


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