Burberry launches its own product worth 32 million euros in the trash


  Burberry launches its own product worth 32 million euros in the trash "title =" Burberry launches its own product worth 32 million euros in the trash "srcset =" http://www.miss.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Burberry-1024x683.jpg 1024w, http://www.miss.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/ 07 / Burberry-300x200.jpg 300w, http://www.miss.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Burberry-768x512.jpg 768w "sizes =" (max width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px "/ >
<p>  Image: Shutterstock </p>
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The British fashion brand Burberry is causing a sensation – The latest annual report of the company shows that a large amount of luxury goods and beauty has become scrap. During the past fiscal year, it was property worth 32.2 million euros. But this is no exception, as already in 2017, clothes ended up in the trash of 30.2 million euros. Although the chairman of the supervisory board, John Peace, states: "It is not easy for us to destroy goods." Nevertheless, discounts should not scratch the brand image and products should therefore be eliminated unconditionally.

The new product strategy does not seem to work

Julie Brown, CFO of the company, says the increase in items discarded the American cosmetics giant Coty. This relationship means that all perfumes and cosmetics are being redeveloped. In 2016, the Italian Marco Gobbetti became the new CEO to develop a new product strategy. He has tried to bring Burberry even more into the luxury segment and because a sale probably does not fit into the concept. However, the reorientation of the business does not seem to work for customers.

There is still no change in sight. "When they destroy the illusion of prestige in luxury goods, the dream, the prices, they destroy the trust.It's slow death," said Jean-Claude Biver, head of watch brands TAG Heuer and Zenith, at the news agency Reuters . Today, Italian fashion designer Ricardo Tisci breathes new life into Burberry. He brings a lot of experience with streetwear and is known for wild drawings.

Also the Swedish textile trade company H & M did not make the headlines until October 2017 due to the burning of tons of new clothes. However, not for image reasons: The parts would have suffered water damage during transport or storage and thus began to form. "Or the chemical value was exceeded, we would not burn anything like that," says Kerstin Sellner, Sustainability Manager at H & M, in an interview with the Kurier newspaper

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