Strawberry Allergy: Variety Does It | Bioö


Whether it is hay fever, allergic allergy to strawberry or cat: More and more people are suffering from allergies. According to a study by the Robert Koch Institute, about 30% of adults and 20% of children and adolescents in Germany are affected. Often, people suffering even from multiple allergies. While chronic colds can be treated fairly well with medications, food-sensitive people can only protect themselves by depriving them. This affects about three to four percent of adults and five percent of children.

Specific Allergens for Strawberry and Tomato Varieties

A team from the Technical University of Munich investigated the allergic potential of various types of strawberries and tomatoes. Researchers of the natural substance wanted to know which varieties contain fewer allergens, but also to what extent the methods of cultivation or preparation play a role. As scientists report in the newspapers "PlosOne" and "Nutrients", the allergic potential depends on the particular strain.

Strawberry allergens are similar to birch pollen allergens

Previous studies have already shown that there are several proteins There are tomatoes that can cause allergic reactions. These include proteins that look like birch pollen, the major allergen, and can therefore lead to food allergy badociated with birch pollen. According to this study, 30% of people with birch pollen allergy are also sensitive to strawberries. Symptoms such as irritated mucous membranes, runny nose or even abdominal pain are especially evident when eating strawberries or fresh, uncooked tomatoes.

Variety Determines Allergic Potential

A team led by Wilfried Schwab of the TUM Chair of Natural Biotechnology has now quantified important allergenic proteins in various varieties of strawberries and tomatoes in two studies. They focused on Sola l 4.02 protein in tomatoes and on Fra a 1 protein in strawberries. In order to badyze the genetic factor on the expression of the allergenic protein in fruits, 23 varieties of tomatoes, of different size, shape and shape, in size, shape and size were examined. It has also been considered what influence have a biological or conventional crop and methods of treatment such as sun, oven or freeze-dried fruit on the allergic potential.

Marker for selection of allergen-free varieties

According to the study, the allergen content in tomatoes and strawberries varies greatly from one variety to the other. He also showed that fruits exposed to high temperatures during drying actually had a lower allergy potential. On the other hand, growth conditions had only a minor influence on allergen formation in the varieties studied.

A first step towards breeding varieties of tomatoes and strawberries without allergens is done. With the two proteins Sola I 4.02 and Fra A 1, the Munich researchers deliver two promising markers for this purpose.


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