Fitch confirms Austria's credit rating with "AA +"


The US rating agency Fitch again looked at Austria's creditworthiness and left them the second highest rating "AA +". The outlook, however, has moved from stable to positive. Fitch justifies the rating and increase of the outlook by strong economic growth, declining public debt combined with low interest rates and the gradual reduction of settlement banks such as the former Carinthian Hypo Alpe Adria, now Heta and Immigon (formerly ÖVAG) and Kommunalkredit [19659002PourcetteraisonleministredesFinancesHartwigLöger(ÖVP)voyaitdéjàl'Austria"enbonnevoied'obtenirlanoteAAA"soitlameilleurenotecommec'estlecasparexempleavecl'AllemagneoulesPaysNetherlands"L'améliorationdesperspectivesàtraversFitchconfirmeleseffortsderéformedugouvernementfédéralautrichienetnousencourageàpoursuivresurcettevoieafinderesterunendroitattrayantpourlesinvestisseursdansl&#39"Thefuture"saidLoegeratAPAL'sobjectiveistofindthequickestpossibleoptionfortheAAAApercentinthethreemajortradingagenciesbetween2012and2016

Second strongest rating

Fitch estimates that the debt compared to to GDP in 2020 will be 68, 3 percent for the first time under the level before the crisis (2008: 68.7 percent). The rating agency predicts economic growth of 2.8% this year.

Austria also has the second highest score among the other two major US rating agencies. Moody's (rating "AA1" for Austria) did not leave prospects stable until the end of May, so unlike Fitch, she did not not increased that perspective. According to Standard & Poor's (rating "AA +" for Austria), the outlook for mid-March has also remained stable, at least for now.

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