When refugees invade the comfort zone


When the refugees invade the comfort zone

Perg Culture Court: Delicious premiere of the sneaky comedy "Welcome."

  When refugees invade the comfort zone

Together "Welcome": Martin Dreiling, Katharina Bigus, Thomas Bammer, Barbara Novotny, Markus Subramaniam and Nadine Breitfuß (from left to right) Image: Winkler [19659005] "Who wants everything from Panna Cotta?" This is the first sentence of the piece "Welcome" – and at the same time the last irrelevant. In the dialogue-show of the current authors Lutz Hübner and Sarah Nemitz, who brought Thursday the Kulturhof Perg to the magnificent Austrian premiere, we do not talk about it. The sharing community of five middle clbad singles turns into a rhetorical minefield when English speaker Benny says that he has a year-long teaching job in New York. He will live with his lover, he wants to make his room available to refugees. Of course, only if everyone agrees. Benny is fine, he disappears. His act of charity strikes others

Insulting as Folk Sport

The artist Sophie is on fire for the idea. For former administrative employee Doro, who generously donates to refugees, this is out of the question. She does not like Arab men – neither their posture nor the constant insult that is a popular sport in Arab culture. The banker Jonah needs rest to survive the probationary year. And the student in social pedagogue Anna wants to know if the aversion is limited to the Arabs. In fact, she is pregnant with Turkish Achmed, who works in a bicycle repair shop.

In this liberal environment, plausible concerns ignite, explodes into racist allegations. In her directorial debut, Julia Ribbeck manages to balance the figures and attitudes so that hypocrisy and cynicism are unmasked without harming the plausibility of the arguments. The public recognizes itself in the mirror, but never feels denounced.

For the sensitivity of Ribbeck comes a beautiful set: Katharina Bigus is Doro as an event. Barbara Novotny finds Sophie a bitterly beautiful loneliness – her character had a relationship with Benny before becoming gay. Nadine Breitfuss puts Anna in the constant fire of words. Markus Subramaniams (Achmed) The declaration of love for Anna is beautiful for crying. Thomas Bammer turns Benny into a great instigator with few resources, and Martin Dreiling energizes Jonas as easily entertaining careerists. The kitchen designed by the scenographer Jan Hax Halama ideally frames these skirmishes and reconciliations. Yes, they are reconciled. The five are not stupid, only honest.

Conclusion: Mandatory event for all fans of subtle comedies. An evening that does not emanate moralistic, but full of spirit ..

"Welcome", play by Lutz Hübner and Sarah Nemitz, Kulturhof Perg, Director: Julia Ribbeck, Premiere: July 19, Dates : 25, 26, 27 July; 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30, 31 August; September 1st. Maps / Info: 0677/61600890, www.kulturhof-perg.at

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