The Fitch rating agency ranks second for Austria '


The US rating agency Fitch again looked at the solvency of Austria and left it the second highest rating "AA +". The outlook, however, has moved from stable to positive. Finance Minister, Hartwig Löger (ÖVP), believes that the republic "is on track for AAA rating", ie the best rating, as Germany or the Netherlands for example [Fitch]. Outlook with strong economic growth, declining public debt combined with low interest rates and the gradual reduction of settlement banks such as the former Carinthia Hypo Alpe Adria, now Heta and Immigon (formerly ÖVAG) and Kommunalkredit.

] Fitch confirms the reform efforts of the Austrian Federal Government and encourages us to continue on this path in order to remain an attractive place for investors in the future ", said Minister of Finance Löger in the APA on Friday night The goal is to regain as quickly as possible the AAA rating lost in the years 2012-2016 among the three major rating agencies. "We take advantage of the current cyclical wind to implement structural reforms in the fields of taxation, administration and the labor market, thereby developing the competitiveness of Austria at the international level. " The reform work of the Federal government is already bearing fruit, "said politician

Fitch also estimates this debt relative to GDP in 2020, with 68.3% for the first time under the level before the crisis. (2008 with 68.7%). The rating agency expects 2.8% growth this year.

Austria also has the second highest score for the other two major US rating agencies. Moody's (rating "AA1" for Austria ) did not leave the prospect stable until the end of May, so unlike Fitch he did not increase it. At Standard & Poor's (note "AA +" for Austria ), the outlook for mid-March has also remained stable – at least for the time being –

(APA )

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