New study: The radiation of mobile phones can damage memory


For more than a year, the research group of the Swiss Tropical Institute and Public Health (TPH) has been studying how mobile phone calls affect the memory of adolescents.

The experts formulated the results of their study, the July 23 in the journal "Environmental Health Perspectives" seems cautious. The results are nevertheless interesting

Data collection over the telephone

For the study, the team led by Martin Röösli is interested in about 700 young Swiss aged 12 at 17 years old. At the beginning of the study, adolescents underwent a test of figurative and verbal memory

. Subsequently, they normally lived a normal year, except that TPH scientists used this data to record the length of their phone calls.

This approach is new because previous studies on the use of the cell phone have always relied on the testimony of the subjects – which, of course, has led to divergent results due to errors in personal judgment. The only personal statement that the participants had to record in this case was to know which ear they used to hold their mobile phone when they were phoning. After one year, teens re-run the memory test

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The legal phones did worse

Those who use their cell phones are exposed to high frequency electromagnetic fields (HF-EMF). The study of Martin Röösli and his team showed that this HF-EMF had a negative effect on the figurative memory of the subjects. Interestingly, especially those who held their phone in the conversations on the right ear.

"This indicates that the electromagnetic radiation absorbed by the brain is responsible for the observed relationships," said Martin Röösli. However, surfing the Internet or playing mobile games has had no noticeable effect on figurative memory.

The results are not etched in stone

The TPH team pointed out that the new study should only be understood as a first step. Although the results of the study are clear, "for example, they may have been influenced by adolescence, which affects both mobile phone use and cognitive behavior and abilities. participants, "said Röösli

. RF-EMF exposure to the brain is a relatively new area of ​​research. "We still do not know how high-frequency electromagnetic radiation could influence processes in the brain or how long-term our results are," Röösli concluded.

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