Lunar and Martian Eclipse: Viennese Urania opens its doors – Wien Aktuell


26.07.2018 06:00

(Law of 26.07.2018 07:06)

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The eclipse of the century with the Moon and Mars can be observed from the Viennese Urania
© APA (Subject)

The Viennese Urania opens its doors to the eclipse of the century. Here the lunar eclipse, which takes place simultaneously with a Marsopposition, can be better observed. In addition, lectures and expert advice will be offered on Fridays.

The celestial phenomenon can be seen without a telescope, but the telescope provides a better three-dimensional view of the Moon and Mars. "With a good telescope, you can see the polar caps or the hurricane that envelops them – an unforgettable impression that is denied without a telescope," says Werner Gruber, director of astronomical facilities at adult education centers. Vienna

Lunar Eclipse of Viennese Urania

When the shadow of the earth darkens the moon, she calls herself the "moon of blood". "It turns red because of the light that reaches the moon through the earth's atmosphere – it will be a really impressive sight – if time goes on," says Gruber. visitors also expect lectures, expert advice and beautiful conversations, he says in a broadcast Wednesday

27.07.2018, 20.00 to 23:30 clock
Urania Observatory, Uraniastrbade 1, 1010 Vienna [19659011]

Other public places in and around Vienna

If you wish, you can get free lunar eclipse glbades at the Vienna Prater Planetarium or directly at the Observatory of Urania

Vienna and its environs are organized by the Vienna Astronomy Working Group (WAA) on the Cobenzl, Sophienalpe or Laaer Berg "Public Viewings". 39: Vienna astronomy invites you to the Sternga open-air planetarium rten am Georgenberg

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