Siri still has some catching up to do


The Loup Ventures research team has tested various smart speakers for the quality of their voice in the past. Now there are four language badistants, including Apple's Siri.

  Language Assistants

In the so-called "Annual Digital Assistant IQ Test", Wolf Ventures spared no effort and hired the four badistants Siri, Google Assistant, Alexa (Amazon) and Cortana (Microsoft) each have a total of 800 questions. As a result, the Google Assistant was able to answer 86% of the questions correctly, with Siri still at 79%. Alexa (61%) and Cortana (52%) went out of the field to the last two places

The methodology used by the Loup Ventures team relies on two evaluation parameters: 1. The L & # 39; Does a voice badistant understand what is required? was? and 2. Does the badistant provide a correct answer? The selection of 800 questions for the four language badistants included five categories: Local ("Where is the nearest coffee?"), Commerce ("Can you order more paper towels for me?"), Navigation ("How to get downtown by bus?), Information ("Who is the X team playing against tonight?") and orders ("Call me back today to call Steve at 14 hours ")

Siri was used for the test on iOS 11.4, Google Assistant on a Pixel XL, and Alexa and Cortana on the respective iOS applications Smart home control devices such as the Wemo Mini Plug, the TP-Link Kasa, the Philips Hue lamps and the Wemo Dimmer Switch were also used

Siri sees himself mainly with music control

  Wolf Ventures Sprachbadistenten Grafik [19659005] "Google Assistant was able to respond correctly at 86% of all questions and well understands re all the questions, "says Loup Ventures in his article. "Siri is following closely: she correctly answered 79 percent and understood that 11 wrong questions." Alexa answered correctly at 61% and misunderstood 13 questions.Cortana was the latecomer who answered correctly at 52 percent correctly and failed 19 questions. "

Except for the" Orders "category, the Google Assistant stands out with its results – here is the Apple Siri on the front. "We found that Siri was a little more useful and versatile (she responds to a softer language) when it comes to controlling the phone, the smart home, the music, etc.," says the author. team of Loup Venture. "Our quiz also contains a lot of music-related questions, the most common action for smart speakers." Apple, true to its roots, made Siri understand how to listen to music with mobile devices and high Intelligent speakers. "

In direct comparison of an equivalent test with digital badistants, by Loup Ventures was held about 15 months ago, Apple's Siri has been able to increase the most: And from 66 to 79 percent answered the questions correctly. The Google badistant jumped 11 percentage points and Cortana has only grown by 3%. The Alexa of Amazon has not been taken into account in the first test, so there is no way of comparison.

How satisfied are you with Apple's Siri? Have you seen significant improvements over the years? Or do you also rely on the Google Assistant? We are waiting for your opinion on this subject.


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