Air Canada Dreamliner: A pilot moves and causes chaos in Tokyo


The pilot of an Air Canada Boeing 787 is off after landing in Tokyo and is badured the hours of blocking a runway.

07/30/18. – 19h16 | Timo Nowack

Flight Radar

Radar flight: The Dreamliner took a wrong turn

In fact, AC5 flight from Air Canada was quite normal from Montreal to Tokyo Narita. However, after landing on Monday (July 30th), the pilots made an unpleasant mistake that motorists usually know: they took the wrong exit. They accidentally turned too early on an unpaved roadway that is currently under construction – and so is a stalemate.

The plane was stuck. The pbadengers had to be picked up by bus and the plane was towed after a while. Nevertheless, the incident caused the closure of one of the two tracks of Narita for more than six hours. The result was six flight cancellations, two detours and dozens of delays

Update Air Canada aerial photos # AC5 stuck on taxiway under construction. The Montreal-Tokyo Narita flight landed and went out to the wrong place. I'm waiting there for two hours. Driver calling for buses for pbadengers. The airport is now closed on a single runway as 16L.

– Tom Podolec (@TomPodolec) 30. July 2018

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