Salzburg Festival: Penthesilea de Kleist, directed by Johan Simons – Bühne


Just as the empty scene, illuminated by a clear rectangle from below, by Johannes Schütz does not need a war accessory, so universally, so far from the war of Troy, the production of Johan Simons focuses on the meeting of two people Well, there is a great warrior, the conqueror Hector and, according to Kleist, a convinced womanizer. But Jens Harzer gives him sweet notes, makes his arms shudder, makes the lover's efforts in the beloved, felt

like Penthesilea Sandra Hüller is a burschikose amazon, not a woman of any kind. hard man, but sure of herself, playful. A woman who must defeat a fighter out of the tradition of his people in order to be able to take him as a man.

Penthesilea and Achilles are at eye level, and at eye level Sandra Hüller and Jens Harzer face each other and their director. His game is in the evening, so that was to be expected. And Johan Simons gives them room to unfold, creating that airy, playful atmosphere that we know from his other works, also from his stint in Munich, that we've missed or maybe never loved, because creating art in any artistic esteem

The Kammerspiele of Bochum

Starting next season, Simons will direct the Schauspielhaus Bochum as a director, Vasco Boenisch will be the playwright by his side. They will take this staging of Salzburg, with new members of the cast Sandra Hüller and Jens Harzer. Other knowledge of the former game time also come to Bochum, Anna Drexler, Steven Scharf or Benny Claessens for example

If you look now at "Penthesilea", you can understand that these companions are their boss , if possible Follow wherever it makes sense. There is no threat of subordination to Simons, either under a theme or under a hierarchy (of gender).

This promise is at least in the air. It is always necessary to fight for this equality and this equality, which the balance threatens constantly to overthrow, it is also the subject of the drama of Kleist, of which Vasco Boehnisch distils so skillfully the essence.

Achilles' Heel

Finds after all Penthesilea and Achilles hunts for a quiet unit. She tells her motives, the story of her people; he listens attentively. Both become more physical, exchanging kisses. Achilles presents his vulnerable heel. Penthesilea kisses him, bites into this weakness which, in his tenderness and in his frankness, also testifies to love.

Embraced on the ground, Achilles reveals that the brief unconscious Penthesilea did not defeat him, but he, what is harmony? and that the drama returns to its tragic trajectory. Achilles finally wants to fight with Penthesilea, to be overwhelmed by her. But she tears him up in the drunkenness of her anger and then kills herself.

Achilles ends, Sandra Hüller and Jens Harzer play twice, in front of the railing, hugging him from behind. In repetition, they exchange the text, making it a material that can oscillate between the bades.
What places Vasco Boenisch from the middle of the kleist text to the end, is the question of whether the victim of the author, the author forgives the victim. "With all my heart," he said, with a delay of two mouths. Who loves can forgive. And stay at eye level, no matter what battlefield you are in.

Landestheater, still the 1st, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th of August, remaining tickets. Information on

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