"I am a woman standing" – Schweizer Illustrierte


A deep laugh, blue eyes awake, a silhouette like a young woman. Flight climbs Heidi Maria Glössner to Stadttheater Bern under a piano to reach the edge of the stage freshly painted with no color spots. Without a doubt: Despite the status of Great Lady, the actress is far from exaggerated,

"50 years should I say? Since we are still sitting here tomorrow! No, there are even 75! "She amuses herself. Because on October 20, she can celebrate twice: her 75th birthday and her 50th birthday. In front of the empty seats she remembers her debut in 1968 as a servant Sophie in "Kabale und Liebe" by Schiller"I was so excited." At the dress rehearsal, I was in Lady Milford's train.She started walking and the dress was completely broken. embarrbading! "

"I'm not resentful"

Arrived at the dressing room of the theater, she leaves her bag a little album with black and white photos of their leading roles"Everything was stuck in clean and labeled, I never did that afterwards," she laughs. Exuberant fairytale costumes, almost too big for young Heidi. But soon, the roles become more encouraging and confident, the Glössner convinced of the look of the sixties.

At the theater, she loves rehearsals more than moments spent in the limelight, becoming an actress to slip into another 's skin and tell stories. To this day, she does not doubt the work of her dreams for a second, even if she has twice missed a privileged role in the intrigues of others. "But I do not have any resentment."

So and now. If Heidi Maria Glössner looks at portraits of herself on the comfortable sofa of her Bernese apartment, it almost annoys her that she has always stayed the same. A few more folds, the hair became gray. But otherwise? She shrugs. "75? It's my age, apparently. But I feel fit. Outside of that. "She's pointing at the middle finger, which is a bit thicker than the others." Osteoarthritis. "That's how little things start that will one day restrict me. But as I'm doing so well, the 75 is just a number. "

The trauma follows Glössner long

She loves life While others knit at her age, she prefers to play the role of an alcoholic or devilish clan leader, traveling to the United States and to the casino. Is life a game? "It's that, unfortunately, often very serious. I also fought goodbye in my life"Bad disappointments and fatalities," she said thoughtfully.

Not playful starts life in 1943 in Germany. In order to protect her baby from the Karlsruhe bombings, her mother Maria takes her to Niederuzwil SG for best friend. His mother had grown up here with an uncle. The plan to comply with Walter, the older brother of Heidi, twelve years old, does not work. The limit is too.

Dean Martin served me black Russian badtails

Heidi Maria Glössner Schoggistängeli finds herself stuck in the fence at the border in her earliest childhood memories. His mother is on the other side. "And we could not get together." This border story continued Glössner for a long time. But in her new country she escapes hunger in post-war Germany in ruins. "My childhood was happy. I grew up with simple but wonderful people. "Her adoptive mother, a seamstress, remained single and childless." I was her great luck, "says Glössner today and remembers the first disguises of the cloth chest.

"I am a child of this love"

After the cantonal school, Glössner lives with his biological mother and his brother a year in California. In the evening, she celebrates evenings with movie stars and big names in music. Heidi quickly finds a good friend: "Michael was old at the time, namely 33. He served Dean Martin's black Russian badtails at his Sunset Strip bar!" Only with a visit to the casino with his mother and Walter in Las Vegas the 20-year-old is thrown out. Minimum age: 21 years old! "Although I was wearing makeup and wearing sunglbades to hide myself"she laughs today. Lost game.

Some stones roll late. Heidi Maria Glössner heard about the rumor for the first time that she's not the daughter of her father Wilhelm Glössnerwho died in a prison at the end of the war. Uncertainty weighs on the actress but barely. "I found it exciting." However, she dares not ask until shortly before her mother's death. And that tells a true love story in the turmoil of the war.

Again and again, the Nazi opponent fiercely reserves Gestapo officers and other soldiers. This is also the case of a Bulgarian agronomist who fights against communists with the Nazis and gives his doctorate at the Technical University of Karlsruhe. Aged 30, he falls in love with Maria Glössner, who is more than 40 years old at the time. Heidi Maria Glössner said today: "I am a child of this love." During the war, the Bulgarian died. Her mother's name is over 90, she says. Glössner does not want to go for clues.

"I would like to jump from a bridge"

She prefers spending time with the next generation. His granddaughters are three years old and one. "You have to take care of her every second, even the little girl is already running in. There is nothing sure, but I love both treasures. There may also be a cookie in addition".

If she turns back on her previous life, she is convinced: "All is correct.When we suffer, we do not see the meaning.But pain is part of life." At the age of 46, his only heartache had plunged him into the biggest personal crisis. "My partner fell in love with another and left me. It's legitimate, but it almost killed me. I was so sad that I wanted to jump from a bridge. "In retrospect, she thinks it's just that she had to live with those feelings, after all, she" ran away "from her other men. After six months, the pain is suddenly over: "I felt ten centimeters taller.I could have gone out into the world."

Fate plays again in her hands and she finds a great love in the Italian Giovanni. A long-distance relationship between Bern and southern Italy. "I was with him for 23 years, until his death." Today, she does not wish to have a solid partnership. The time of a great love is over. "But I'm very good friends with Adrian, an expensive and exciting Bernese architect", tells the actress. Everyone has their life and their family. Both leave a lot of space. This fits perfectly with the established Great Lady, who masters everything so mischievously. "I am a woman standing up."

Michèle Graf on October 20, 2018 at 6:00 am

Related topics:
Heidi Maria Glössner

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