New TB drug cures 9 out of 10 patients'


Tuberculosis is the most deadly infectious disease. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), at least 1.7 million people worldwide died of the disease last year.

October 23, 2018 at 08:33

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According to a clinical study, more than 90% of patients infected with multidrug-resistant TB pathogens can be cured.
Maintenance: the lung of the motor organ

According to an exclusive AFP study, Belarusian doctors treated 181 people to bedaquiline in combination with other drugs. Among patients, the study found 168 healthy.

Lead author of the study: "Promising"

According to the WHO, the success rate is currently only 55%. According to the scientists, the results of the study were largely confirmed by bedaquiline test series in other Eastern European countries, as well as in Africa and Southeast Asia. Lead author Alena Skrahina from Minsk described the results as "promising". The study will be presented in a few days at a large conference.

The use of new drugs such as bedaquiline could completely change the situation of people with resistant pathogens, said Scientific Director of the International Association Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, Paula Fujiwara . She did not participate in the study.

Tuberculosis is the most deadly infectious disease. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), at least 1.7 million people worldwide died of the disease last year. Multidrug-resistant agents are immunized against two of the most commonly used agents. Belarus is one of the countries where this multidrug-resistant tuberculosis bacterium is most prevalent.

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