Players despair because they lose their hat in Red Dead Redemption 2


The hat is especially important in Red Dead Redemption 2. Without it, you just feel naked – but players often lose it and despair.

If you want to be a real cowboy, you must also own a hat in Red Dead Redemption 2. Without that, the look is just not complete and you feel somehow naked in the game world. Owning a hat is easy – keep it but relatively difficult! Incidentally, the RDR 2 will be easier if you follow these tips.

Again and again, the hat is thrown over the battles of the head, during acrobatic missions he steals his head or in a carefree second, he kollert alone in the meadow.Riding Red Dead Redemption 2 speeds

Of course, you can just pick a new hat and put the next best opponent, but most players cling to their headgear and try desperately to find them. This provides many messages on Twitter, such as this one:

"Every morning, I leave my camp with my hat and every night, I have no idea what happened to him …"

Every morning, I leave the camp with my friends every night and I have no idea what happened to him … # RDR2

– Jaling (@Jalen_Del_Rey) October 27, 2018

"I lost my hat in Red Dead Redemption 2. I just do not know what to do with me now."

I lost my hat # reddeadredemption2 and I do not know what to do with myself. #hatproblems

– Geoff Keighley (@geoffkeighley) October 27, 2018

"I finally need a group for my cowboy hat !!! Damn it, I've lost it again !!!"

I need a string for my cowboy !!! Bloody still lost it !!! #stess # RDR2

– Prico (@ Prico1) October 27, 2018

"I lost my damn hat in the RDR2 … I'm literally looking for a digital cowboy hat, and how is your Saturday morning?"

I lost my freakin has in # RDR2… I'm literally looking for my lost digital cowboy. How is your #SaturdayMorning go?

– Jazzy ?! OoO (@yojazzhey) October 27, 2018

"Help, I lost my hat, he was hit in the head during a fight on mission and I did not notice until the end of the mission." I'm a cowboy now, so I just can not go on, how can I get a new hat? "

help i lost my hat. It was lost and I am a cowboy without a hat. I do not continue like that # RDR2

– laura lux (@DarthLux) October 27, 2018

The whole of the "problematic" s' widens until a new Twitter hashtag is established: #hatproblems, in English "hat problem". If you do not encounter any problem in a game, it's a very good sign, right?

And you? Do you still have your first hat? Or have you ever lost and exchanged many times? Does it bother you to walk around without a hat?

Many players are also shocked by the brutality of Red Dead Redemption 2.

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