20 minutes – Does this pill really save us from the flu?


The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a marketing authorization for the drug Xofluza for influenza. He comes from the home of the Swiss pharmaceutical giant Roche and is said to "acute, uncomplicated flu" – speaks the usual seasonal flu – fight.

infoboxMr. Stadler *, is Xofluza the new miracle cure for the flu?

No. Although this shortens the disease for about two days and relieves the symptoms. For me, this has more to do with wellness than with a pharmaceutical breakthrough. For normal people, a neocitran is enough to ease the flu.

So, do you advise against Xofluza?

It depends If you want to go back to work faster, you can of course take Xofluza. More interesting would be the drug for people with weakened immune systems, such as cancer patients or the elderly. For them, a flu can be fatal and the drug could save lives. But there are still no studies with high-risk patients.

Xofluza costs $ 150 in the United States. Is it appropriate?

No question, it's a fantastic price. If the manufacturer Roche really wanted to help people, the drug would be cheaper – not prescription. Since you must take Xofluza within 48 hours, there is too much time. Try to get a doctor's appointment in such a short time. Instead of swallowing an expensive drug, you can simply get vaccinated against the flu.

* Beda Stadler is an immunologist and professor emeritus at the University of Bern.

Spared and the new drug now days of bed rest? How does it work and what is the trap? 20 minutes answer the most important questions:

What's new on the medication?

Xofluza has a new mechanism of action, Roche spokeswoman Anja von Treskow said at 20 minutes. It is the first and only flu medicine offering a "simple and convenient treatment option" with a single dose. Xofluza is also the first anti-flu drug approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in the last 20 years.

How does Xofluza work?

The prescription drug in tablet form prevents the proliferation and formation of new viral components – "and at the beginning of the virus's life cycle," said the spokesperson. In addition, it interferes with the multiplication cycle of the virus and thus reduces the distribution. Clinical studies have shown that Xofluza works effectively against a spilled part of the flu virus. It will fight seasonal influenza A and B viruses as well as avian influenza strains (H5N1 and H7N9).

So: tablet down and ciao flu?

It is not so easy then. The medication should be taken within 48 hours of the onset of flu symptoms – fever, pain or runny nose. Then, according to the FDA, it can lessen the symptoms and shorten the duration of the disease. The flu may stop immediately so the new medication is not. The US Food and Drug Administration also admits that Xofluza is not a surrogate for influenza vaccine. It's always one of the most effective and safest ways to protect yourself from the flu.

There is already Roche Tamiflu – what is the difference with Xofluza?

Xofluza contains the active ingredient baloxavir marboxil and should only be taken once, while Tamiflu and oseltamivir are taken twice a day for five days. The drug Tamiflu is now controversial. In the context of swine flu in 2009, governments, including the Swiss, were stored in bulk in Tamiflu. Roche has made billions of sales. Later, experts concluded that Tamuflu was not as effective as it was claimed.

When will Xofluza come to Switzerland?

The Swiss authority responsible for issuing Swissmedic medicines is covered. "For reasons of confidentiality, we can not comment on any of the approval procedures in effect," said a spokesman for "Sonntagsblick". The manufacturer Roche no longer needs to know either: "We are in discussion with Swissmedic."

How much does the drug cost?

In the United States, Xofluza is sold by Genentech, a subsidiary of Roche. According to a Genentech spokesperson, the drug is expected to cost $ 150. Roche still keeps the secret prize for Switzerland.

What are the side effects?

The FDA calls diarrhea or bronchitis the most common side effects. According to the drug.com medical information service, Xofluza can also cause nausea or headaches.

Can any one take Xofluza?

No. The US Food and Drug Administration has approved it only for people over 12 years old.

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