Black hole? Southern Observatory shows incredible admission



Southern European Observatory ESO has the most detailed input to Sagittarius A * here mbad accumulation published in the center of our Milky Way, writes Scientists suspect a black hole, but have not yet been detected directly. On the record is material to see, which is very close and very fast, with about 30% of the speed of light, rotating around a very mbadive object. This strongly suggests that the black hole really exists. "The result is a clear confirmation of the black hole theory," says the study manager Reinhard Genzel of Max Planck Institute of Extraterrestrial Physics.

The image was taken with the GRAVITY instrument at the Very Large Telescope (VLT) interferometer. You can see it

materialthat surrounds the black hole just outside the event horizon. It is revealed by bursts of radiation in the infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum. This is what is visible on the spot. the material in the photo, the black hole surrounds the most stable orbit. The material that approaches the center disappears behind the event horizon to no longer be visible.

"It's amazing to see material orbiting a huge black hole at 30% of the speed of light," says a scientist. The recording was made possible by connecting the four telescopes of the VLT to a virtual telescope with a 130-meter mirror. The bursts of radiation, however, were recorded randomly. They come from high energy electrons that move very close to the black hole. There, they interact magnetically with a very hot gas, which also turns around the hole.

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