First country chiefs to have a voice


01.11.2018 11:58

Online today, 11.58 o'clock

After the governor of Vorarlberg, Markus Wallner (ÖVP), the Carinthian country chief, Peter Kaiser (SPÖ), called for a vote in the decision on the right to stay in Germany.

Again and again, there are exceptional cases where members of the community, local politicians or badociations make themselves heard asking where the well-integrated families are. "These voices should no longer remain inaudible, just like those of responsible state policy, but should be quickly included in the decision to grant humanitarian law to remain mandatory" – more in kaernten.ORF. at.

Wallner wants opportunities before 2014

The possibility of influencing it, which existed before 2014, was good, Wallner had already stated in an interview with the "Vorarlberger Nachrichten" (Thursday edition). There would have been no case like this in Sulzberg, where a three-year-old was separated from his mother.

With 2014, jurisdiction over the issue of the right to remain for human rights has shifted from indirect administration to the direct federal administration. Previously, the Confederation had the right to give instructions, but the provincial governor and the district administration were able to make recommendations.

"Of course, the humanitarian right to stay is exceptional only in exceptional cases," said Wallner. "Everything goes beyond land and communities.This is not smart, as you can see," said the regional chief of Vorarlberg.

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