Halloween decoration set off a big fire in Holzhausen


Halloween decoration set off a big fire in Holzhausen

HOLZHAUSEN. In a former agricultural object in Holzhausen (district of Wels-Land), a fire broke out on Thursday morning. Eight fire brigades with about 90 men were in action. Nobody was hurt by the fire.

The fire is already under control. Image: Photo Kerschi

The alarm rings on Thursday morning at 05:30: in a former farm building, which now houses housing, a fire broke out.

"Already on the way to the workplace, the dimensions of the fire became apparent." Level 2 of the alarm was immediately called. "When we arrived at the object of the fire, the roof of the house was already burning very hard," said the head of the working group Christoph Eichinger on OÖN's phone. These seven people living in the house could all be safe in time.

Nearly 90 men in action

Eight fire brigades from the districts of Wels-Land and Linz-Land were deployed with 14 vehicles. Despite the quick arrival of the emergency services, the attic could no longer be saved. The fire is already under control. Currently, fire works are underway and a fire station has been set up.

video: Large-scale firefighters in a fire in Holzhausen (district Wels-Land).

Cause of the fire clarified

Fire experts from the fire prevention agency of Upper Austria found that the fire on the wooden panels of the adjoining winter garden could have originated. Where on the eve of lanterns and pumpkins with candles and tealights were installed. No evidence of another cause of fire could be found. The damage should amount to several hundred thousand euros.

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