Apple Watch gets Spotify: first beta version of the app spotted


News and rumors: November 2, 2018, Jonny Random

Spotify logo

Spotify logo

Spotify will soon be on the Apple Watch. A first beta version of the new application is already in preparation. The first screenshots have recently appeared on the Web.

Spotify is apparently preparing to embark on the Apple Watch. Previously, Apple's computer clock users could only use Apple Music as a streaming service.

In the current version of watchOS, it is also possible to use other streaming services on the clock. At least the corresponding interfaces for third-party applications are available.

Until now, however, there has never been any real competition for Apple Music on the Watch, with the exception of a few half-cooked Spotify ports that have never worked permanently.

Later, when the creator of one of these ports announced a collaboration with Spotify, the prospect was new, but it would take a while before something really worked.

The first beta version of the Spotify app is being tested

Some testers have released screenshots on the web illustrating the first beta of a Spotify app for Apple Watch.

They clearly indicate that watch users can control playback from the watch.

Spotify application on Apple Watch Beta Screen Capture "width =" 324 "height =" 394 "clbad =" wp-image-386637 ". Srcset =" https: //www.macnotes .com / images / 2018/11 / SpotifywatchOS.jpg 324w, 247w, / 11 / SpotifywatchOS-205x250. jpg 205w "sizes =" (maximum width: 324 pixels) 100vw, 324 pixels

Spotify app on Apple Watch beta screen capture

However, the range of functions that the application will have later is unclear. It is about It is not known if streaming via LTE or storing offline playlists will be possible.

In addition, it is not clear exactly how long the beta cycle will take, here it is fast enough to slow everything down relatively.

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