Crime Scene: There's never been this: 37 lies in 90 minutes


Stuttgart –

37 false statements in 90 minutes! No one has lied so often, even on the "crime scene".

Manuel Rubey (38) was Sunday "The Man Who Lies" title title of the Stuttgart Jubilee event (so they were 10 years old).

Here is our review of the "crime scene: the man who lies" read.

We explain the Oberlügner.

So, a blatant cheater you must find first. "Of course, it was the biggest challenge to lie in a credible way," said Sönke Neuwöhner, director of "Tatort".

"If the lie becomes too clear, each commissioner would say: stop, stop, it's not true, if lying too discreetly, it does not happen in the game, it would be unthinkable, so it would be irrelevant to follow the commissioners on the trail of lies The exact dosage of the lie in the facial expressions and the language to be found and designed for each scene was certainly for Manuel and therefore for me particularly attractive. "

Five liters of blood flowed! The beautiful Lilith is behind a bittersweet "crime scene" vampire (find out more here).

Manuel Rubey is a very successful actor

For Rubey too. In Austria, the Viennese has been a star for years and plays Falco in "Zut, we are still alive!", The Obernazi in "Braunschlag" and the Vatican Inquisitor in "Borgia".


From the suspect's point of view: Like this picture, the whole movie is created.

Now the "crime scene" – and the same as Oberlügner (who confesses at the very end a murder that he did not commit).

"I often play sick guys," said Rubey himself in the interview. "I like it when you have a problem, but also a bad guy."

Manuel Rubey has two girls

He did not abandon his secretly homobadual father in his often strange uncertainty. As a spectator, there was almost an impression that the suspect was sorry for the commissioners. "I have something basic, awesome in me," says Rubey.

But he's not gay. The father of the family has the girls Ronja (13) and Louise (7) with the designer Stefanie Nolz (37). He learned a lot from his daughters and he says, "For kids, it's just not yesterday and tomorrow, just the moment".

What does he want to give them as a father? "You should always be able to come to me with everything."

And then, hopefully, he will not lie as often as Sunday …

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