Munich Airport: a man enters the safety zone by car – he was not able to intercept


Security alarm at Munich airport: On Tuesday, a man broke through a barrier with his car and then a metal gate. Now, there are details about the culprit.

Update, 6.11.18, 20.28:

The police headquarters, Oberbayern North, speaks more specifically at the request of about the incident at Munich airport, where a man with an Audi A6 ran into the security. As a result, everything happened in the airport cargo area, just to the right of the central avenue of the airport. The 28-year-old broke a barrier and then a metal door at the top of the fence.

The mobile of the alleged perpetrator could not say anything. "The psychological problems that existed at first sight make any investigation impossible," said Peter Grießer, spokesman for the North Oberbayern police headquarters. As reported, the man spoke of a mission to Jesus. The interrogation was interrupted. The man is now in a psychiatric hospital. As soon as his doctors give the green light, they will continue the investigation.

Aged 28, of Dominican nationality, he was registered in Italy. More recently he had lived with a friend in Deggendorf. He also owns the Audi, with which the man went to Munich airport on Tuesday.

Update, 6.11.18, 15h30: As is known, federal police officials arrested the 28-year-old man Tuesday morning on the apron in front of the maintenance hangars. That said to the police. For the travel agency of the second largest airport in Germany, the incident had no consequences, said a spokesman for the police. The cargo and maintenance area is on the other side of the airport as the pbadenger area.

Update, 6.11.18, 1:30 pm: According to the police, the young man was admitted to psychiatry. He comes first from the Dominican Republic and lives in Deggendorf.

Munich Airport: a car enters the security zone

It was still dark when the 28-year-old Munich Airport crossed two gates with an Audi and entered the security zone.


Munich Airport – Everything happened at 6:30. Minutes later, federal police arrested the 28-year-old driver. The North Oberbayern Police Headquarters reports that the man had made a psychologically striking impression. "He expressed confused thoughts about a mission to Jesus," said a spokesman for the police.

The investigation revealed that the accused had hijacked the early morning Audi A6 in Deggendorf and had gone to the Moos airport. The owner of the vehicle complained.

Why he chose this goal is not yet clear. Currently, the defendant with the help of an interpreter (Italian / Spanish) interviewed.

Video: Munich airport was blocked due to a failure of pbadenger control

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