More and more diabetes in children: "In the beginning, the state of emergency"


"There are always cases where educators fear responsibility and children can not find a kindergarten or attend school events," he said. Rami Merhar"They are allowed to support themselves, there is no more personal responsibility, I do not remember anything that has ever happened." One solution would be to use mobile nurses more and more. to help educators. "Unfortunately, this often fails because of funding."

Tip: KURIER thematic days "

diabetes"From November 15th to 17th, join your daily life.

Type 2: Several cases could be avoided

58 million people are in Europe Diabetics (700,000 in

Austria90% Type 2), it is expected to reach 67 million in 2045, an increase of 16%. According to Alexandra, 50 to 70% of type 2 cases would be avoidable by prevention (eg weight loss), Kautzky-Willer (Medical University Vienna), President of the Austrian Diabetes Society (ÖDG). One of the two diseases remains unrecognized for a long time. To improve early detection and prevention, diabetologists have three requirements:

Number one. At present, only the fasting blood sugar level is determined during the medical examination. "But it's often considered an aberrant case," says Kautzky-WillerTherefore, the most significant HbA1c (Long-term sugar value, allows a statement on blood sugar levels from the last six to eight weeks) are included in the balance sheet. This can also be the preliminary stage of diabetes (Prediabetes – increased blood sugar, but not yet diabetes) – and take countermeasures.

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