This series of deaths is hiding in the 14th season "petit


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TV News: "Soko Donau": This series of deaths is also hiding in the 14th season «

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Small newspaper +

Starting signal for the 14th season of "Soko Donau" in ORFeins (8:15 pm)

of Daniel Hadler | 4:45 am November 13, 2018

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Soko Danube
Lilian Klebow has a lot to do as Penny Lanz in the first episode of the 14th season. © (c) ORF (Petro Domenigg)

The kickoff of the 14th season of "Soko Wien", as it is called on ZDF, loses a good idea in the absurd absurd. But everything is in order: Penny Lanz (Lilian Klebow) jog relaxed on the Danube while she is watching a fight on the other shore What luck she finds an unknown rowboat, which brings her to the other side. But the alleged act of violence turns out to be a video joke and Penny is still endangered. Because Penny is annoyed by the goal, she is even suspected of murder.

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