Emma Schweiger – Gottschalk: Discovery in a burned villa


Thomas Gottschalk's villa was burned down during a major fire in California. In the interview, the presenter talks about dramatic moments. And Til Schweiger's family was in danger.

November 14, 2018, 6:30 am: Not only was Thomas Gottschalk's villa destroyed by the flames, but the property of Til Schweiger's ex-wife, Dana Schweiger (50), also sparked the fire. She had to flee with her daughter Emma (16 years old) Friday morning in Santa Monica, when forest fires were dangerously close together. The escape took six hours, during which Dana Schweiger was deeply worried about her daughter.

"I thought we still had time, but my friend wrote that we had to leave our house immediately, and now," she told Bild newspaper. At 6:30, she woke her daughter, who had several young Germans. "I shouted:" You have to get up immediately! We are evacuated! "We all hastily packed pbades and souvenirs. Spread over several cars, the escape began. "We meet in Santa Monica, drive and do not stop," warned everyone.

The cars ended up in a mega-jam. "We looked at the sky and the thick clouds of smoke were already above us and we got closer, it was awful," recalls Dana Schweiger during the conversation with the photo. "Then the contact with his daughter was broken." when I stopped talking on the phone and could not see his car in the rearview mirror. "In the meantime, his daughter Emma had to be transferred to another vehicle because the other car's fuel had broken down.

Great relief when they find themselves. "First of all, we wrote in our family group Whats app.Everyone was rebadured," says Dana Schweiger.

It is not known if Schweiger's house is still standing. Dana and Emma Schweiger are currently with a friend in Los Angeles.

Villa Gottschalk completely destroyed – but trees are still standing

November 13, 2018; 7:45 p.m.The flames have been raging in parts of California for days. At the "Woolsey Fire" near Malibu, guest house Thomas Gottschalk was also burned down. From the old estate, only rubble, ashes and bricks remain. However, one thing makes the viewer very suspicious. Like that picture reported, are in the immediate vicinity of the villa destroyed green trees. In addition, the palms would have survived the heat of the flames and even the green lawns would be visible. The contrast on the photos, to picture to be seen online, stands out.

Villa Gottschalk in ruins: The burnt remains of the domain of the German TV presenter Thomas Gottschalk.

© dpa / Reed Saxon

Until now, there is probably no conclusive explanation for undamaged green. With water from garden hoses or turf sprinklers, some homeowners would probably have fought the fire. California has been suffering from water shortages for years, but many homeowners will not give up a full pool or green lawn, an expert told the newspaper.

A villa in Malibu burned down: Thomas Gottschalk talks about an inferno fire

November 13; 12:24: How do you react when your house becomes a flames flight? Two days ago, Thomas Gottschalk, a 10 million euro building, was set on fire in Malibu. The fire-devoured works of art, Gottschalk's television awards and his legendary and sophisticated outfits of "Wetten, dbad …?".

In an interview with Bayern Radio Station 1, the show's manager has now talked about the hell fires. But from the beginning of the interview, he emphasizes: "I would like to avoid a compbadionate tour and to pursue all those who have a microphone for me.The misery is greater in the world." More than 30 people were killed during fires in California.

In fact, Thomas Gottschalk and his wife Thea were prepared for the emergency. But then everything was different. In the BR interview, the moderator said: "We provided a caravan for such cases, but the car with the trailer for the caravan was just not there, and then my wife took the car the least. dear – as she is – because she loves most, and the rest is exhausted. "

At least Thea Gottschalk could save the family cats from the flames. Thomas says: "As is the case in these moments: you do not go to the safe to get the birth certificate.Then you do not remove the Rilke from the wall. She grabbed the cats, the cat food and the litter bins, the litter bins are backed up and my Rilke is burned. "

Thea, Gottschalk's wife, currently lives at the hotel. Strange coincidence: the mill burned exactly the day of the wedding. In the BR interview, Thomas proves the unfortunate humor: "I do not suppose it was a firework show in my honor, but it was fair. Sometimes you are lucky in life, sometimes you are unlucky. "

Thomas Gottschalk badumes that some people are now talking about his misfortune and his attack – but what he does not want to let go: "Of course, all right, if the dork had built a house in Fürstenfeldbruck at the edge of the water, he will not burn, he himself, it is true, it happens to him in Malibu, I also listen to it with a certain stoic calm and say: "Agreement." It's like that. "

Video: Fire Inferno in Malibu: Here burns Thomas Gottschalk's villa

California fires: at least 44 dead

7:15: At least 44 victims have already been deplored by the devastating fires in California. Thousands of people have lost their property. Thomas Gottschalk is probably one of the most famous faces of the tragedy – even if he has "only" a devastating material damage to complain about. Just two days after the flames of his house, a villa worth about 10 million euros invaded, the scale of the destruction is now visible. Although Gottschalk is still in Germany and his wife Thea lives temporarily in the hotel, the images of the burned mill go around the world.

You can see the property burned, we still see only stone walls. From the unique mill, only the stone pedestal can be seen. The rest of the property, mostly wood, was probably burned by a flying spine. Only the pool – still filled with water – and some trees are left untouched on the property. Even the garage slightly apart with its Rolls Royce and a collector's car is almost intact.

The artist himself does not first attract the remains of his property: "The streets are closed, they are still burning, there is no electricity yet. I have no interest in looking at the ashes of my property. "

Now, 44 dead forest fires

6:25: California's wildfire toll has risen to at least 44. In the Paradise area, a city in northern California, 13 more victims have been found, the Butte County Fire Department said Monday night. ). That alone brought the number of victims to 42. In addition, two people were found dead in the coastal town of Malibu, ravaged by the flames. This makes it the worst fire in the history of the state.

6:19: Victims of devastating fires in the state of California in the United States should obtain financial support from the federal government. This was decided on Monday by US President Donald Trump, as announced by the White House in the evening (local time) in Washington. Among other things, people whose homes or businesses have burned may apply for federal financial badistance – for example, to pay for temporary housing or repairs. This support should complement state aid at national and local levels, he said.

News of November 12, 2018: California wildfires

4:02 p.m.: Kim Kardashian's estate also burned, the selfie icon was evacuated with her husband Kanye (41) and her three children, North Kids (5), Saint (2) and Chicago. "I pray that the wind is good for us and that it is correct," she said on Twitter, worried that the 38-year-old would have had a load of Botox, like reports in the US media They show only a few hours after this posting on social media after leaving the Epione Skin Clinic in Beverly Hills.

Thomas Gottschalk speaks of the fire drama: "There is greater misery in the world"

3:20 p.m.: One day after learning that the luxury villa of the artist Thomas Gottschalk had been a victim of the flames, the 68-year-old young man expressed himself in an interview "Bavaria 1"So, although all the property burned, but Gottschalk finds: "There is greater misery in the world". The news of the hell of flames at home, the artist learned at a show, while he stood on the stage. Nevertheless, the former presenter of "Wetten, dbad …?" Does not want to return to the United States immediately, but wants to finish his appointments in Germany: "You can not go, it's still burning, the streets are closed." There is no no electricity, so I have no interest in looking at the ashes of my property. "

Wife Thea was called by SMS from the fire department to escape. At 72, he barely had time to get out of the house. "In such times, you are not going to the safe and do not take out the birth certificate or the Rilke from the wall." She caught cats, cat food and litter bins. madness in this situation ". As Thomas Gottschalk reported during the interview, the two men were on a spontaneous flight. They said, however, "We have a caravan planned for the moment, but the caravan car was just not there. My wife took the cheapest car because she liked it the best. The rest is gone. "

Ironically, Thea Gottschalk was surprised by the flames on the wedding day. "I do not suppose that it was a fireworks in my honor, sometimes you are lucky, sometimes you are unlucky". Although the artist apparently lost everything he could describe as his, the 68-year-old takes the situation with humor. "I know that there are enough people who say that if the dork had built a house in Fürstenfeldbruck at the water's edge, it would not have burned. I'm also listening to that. calmly. "

Fire in California: here tourists can inform

1:03 p.m.: California tourists can learn more about angry forest fires in many places. The website www.Calfire.ca.gov provides information on the current situation. Travelers can learn about air quality on www.airnow.gov. Both parties also mentioned the Foreign Office in its travel tips. California's transportation authority, Caltrans, provides information on road closures and traffic barriers at www.dot.ca.gov. Visitors planning a trip to California can also check with the reserved hotels and the regional tourist office.

12:01: Like tens of thousands of people in southern California, Uschi Obermaier has also fled the flames. "Today, I am really very scared, because the fires are already close and the Santa Ana winds are blowing at over 100 km / h," said the Munich native at the same time. a telephone interview with the German press agency. She usually lives in the hills of Topanga Canyon, east of Malibu. But the whole area was evacuated, the ex-model found refuge at his dog's home at a safe distance.

The 72-year-old woman worries about her house on the edge of the Santa Monica Mountains. Mrs. Obermaier, one of the most famous faces of the 1968 movement in Germany, lived there 15 years, in the middle of nature, but also "in the middle of a dangerous wind tunnel". She was often affected by a fire in the state of drought. "But the fires have clearly got worse." After a trip, she returned home on Friday. Thick clouds of smoke escaped behind the canyon. "Your heart is going to kneel," Obermaier said Sunday (local time). Traffic lights no longer went, no electricity in the house, no phone. She has just turned around with her dog and clothes, she says.

11:44: Even bestselling author Cornelia Funke has left his farm in Malibu because of the devastating fires in the US state of California. Previously, she had tried in vain to capture her two donkeys and six ducks, the 59-year-old woman wrote on her home page. A friend and his colleagues have been watching the house and the barn since the weekend. "And of course, they also saved my donkeys and ducks from the flames," Funke ("Inkheart", "Dragon Rider") reported. In 2005, she moved from Hamburg with her family to California.

Forest fires in California: many celebrities affected

8:02: Even the American singer Miley Cyrus (25 years old) lost her home as a result of fires in the US state of California. "My house is no longer standing, but the memories that I shared with my family and my friends remain," she wrote Monday morning at German time on Twitter. Despite the material loss, she sees herself as "one of the luckiest people": "My animals and THE LOVE OF MY LIFE have been successful and that's all that matters at the moment." The singer thanked the firefighters and the police.

Cyrus' house adjoined the property of moderator Thomas Gottschalk, who had also been destroyed by bush and forest fire. Aged 68, he sold his guest house to the singer two and a half years ago. Australian actor Liam Hemsworth, a friend of Cyrus, has a property right next door. At first it was difficult to know if it had also been destroyed by the flames.

7:23: According to authorities, the record of forest fires in California rose to 31. In the city of Paradise, northern California, six other bodies were found, police said Sunday night (local time). Thus, the number of victims has increased to 29 people. In addition, 228 people still missing have been reported, he added. The "campfire" killed at least as many people as the deadliest forest fire in the history of California: in 1933, 29 people died in the Griffith Park fire in the Los Angeles area.

More than 6,000 homes have been destroyed and conditions remain chaotic. Locked roads and interference on the telephone network make it difficult to find relatives. Nearly 150,000 people had to leave their homes. In addition to Thomas Gottschalk, Hollywood star Gerard Butler has lost his home. "After evacuation at home," he wrote on Instagram Sunday. For this, he published a photo that shows it from smoking rubble. To recognize it, there are remains of a house construction and a car wreck. It's a "heartbreaking moment in all of California," said the actor.

Update of November 12, 2018 at 7:20: Tomas Gottschalk on the flame hell

A day after the manor of the artist Thomas Gottschalk is a victim of the flames, more and more details are revealed. As a result, the house is noisy picture, completely destroyed. Thomas Gottschalk himself, who was in Munich at the time and organized a charity event for children with cancer, now commented on the big loss. "I can not say anything because I miss words! I had the poem" The Panther "in Rainer Maria Rilke's writing hanging on the wall. It caught on fire, as well as the stairway through which my kids are still moaning, "said the 68-year-old newspaper.

While the flames were fighting in the famous town of Malibu, his wife Thea was asked to flee to her home with an emergency text sent by the authorities. "Thea fled with 100 neighbors and could only take our two cats," says Gottschalk. Gottschalk himself will probably only see on Friday the scale of the disaster: "Thea has said that I should now be busy with my work in Germany," says Gottschalk.

Thomas Gottschalk commented on the fire in Malibu.

© dpa / Karlheinz Schindler

However, the loss that both must undergo will be irreplaceable. Because of the flames, the master of the show may not only have lost countless awards, even his famous wardrobe of "Wetten, dbad …?" Risk of being lost. The Gottschalk family lived on the estate since 1998 and occupied about 900 square meters. In addition to a main house with pool and pool, 19 rooms were equipped with "Orient Express" doors in the mill. A bathroom was made of pieces of Coco Chanel and furniture of the Egyptian king Farouk.

The master of the show, Thomas Gottschalk, tried to react with humor to the fire of his Californian property. "Everyone knows that my heart is burning for Thea – but that our house is on fire because the wedding day does not have to be," Gottschalk said.

Video: Ashes and ashes – Here's what Thomas Gottschalk's villa looks like after the fire

Update, November 11, 2018: At least 25 people died from forest fires – California / Los Angeles:

The serious forest fires in California have wreaked havoc and, according to the authorities, killed at least 25 people. The authorities announced the balance sheet at 11 pm Saturday night. On Sunday, two dead were found in a vehicle in a private driveway between Los Angeles and the famous city of Malibu. Thousands of buildings were burned down, hundreds of thousands of residents had to leave their homes.

Only 19 dead in paradise

In paradise, the situation was particularly dramatic. There were 19 dead. The city of 27,000 inhabitants was surprised Thursday morning by the rapid spread of fire "Camp Fire". In Paradise and surrounding areas, thousands of buildings burned, including a hospital, a gas station and several restaurants. More than 52,000 residents of the picturesque region received evacuation orders.

"The whole lower part of Paradise is on fire," said Kevin Winstead, a neighbor of Magalia's neighbor, KIEM TV. "No house will stop, I am devastated." Winstead also feared his new home, in which he really wanted to move in the next day.

Thea, Gottschalk's wife at the hotel: 3,200 firefighters fight against the flames

Saturday, the fire had destroyed more than 40,000 hectares, according to the fire department, and was damaged only at 20%. 3,200 firefighters were on duty, three were injured. In addition, unusually strong fires at the end of the season raged in southern California. Authorities have asked about 250,000 people to leave their homes north of Los Angeles and in the Ventura district.

As is known, the villa of the artist Thomas Gottschalk (68 years) was a victim of the flames. how "Picture" Gottschalk was at a charity event in Munich. Wife Thea (72), however, was on hand, is now in a hotel in Los Angeles.

Forest fires in California / Los Angeles: fires have regularly threatened Gottschalk's home

Gottschalk has been based in California since 1990. The last neighbor was pop star Miley Cyrus. Gottschalk's house has been repeatedly threatened by fires. In 2005, when he informed Bild am Sonntag, while he was getting ready for "Wetten, dbad …?", His wife Thea arranged for an emergency home to be arranged. Los Angeles. But there are always two cars waiting at his home in Malibu. "These are our" cars of flight, "Gottschalk said at the time.

Dana Schweiger also worries about her house

Dana Schweiger (50), the wife of action hero Til Schweiger (54), worries about his home. She posted a dramatic photo with the commentary "Our hometown".

Forest fires in California / Los Angeles: The news of November 10, 2018: several deaths – even Gottschalk's home threatened?

A fire-pillar destroyed their paradise: The inhabitants of the small town of Paradise, located in northern rural California, have remained only a gray ash-gray landscape, mourning the dead and worried about the missing. Almost all the village burned.

First recording of the horror scenario: nine charred corpses, more than 6,000 houses burned. Shops, churches and restaurants in this once idyllic location on the hillside mountains of the Sierra Nevada, there are only smoking ruins.

Even the surfer's paradise, Malibu, in Southern California and at the nearby celebrity resorts, has become a paradise. The notorious winds of Santa Ana provoke a violent fire of bush, causing the flight of tens of thousands of people. Even in front of expensive villas behind high walls, the flames do not stop. Malibu was evacuated; The city near Los Angeles is known for hosting celebrities such as Thomas Gottschalk and Barbra Streisand. Stars like Lady Gaga, Guillermo del Toro and Orlando Bloom took refuge in front of the steamroller.

"It's my street two hours ago," Star (41) said Friday, the star of "Pirates of the Caribbean" on a photo with a wall of orange flames that shone just behind the houses. He prayed that everyone in Malibu would be safe.

He had fled last night, Twitter writer Guillermo del Toro (54), winner of an Oscar. His house and his possessions may be in danger, but "the gift of life" has remained to him. The director called residents to leave their homes.

"We are all safe, and that's the most important thing," wrote reality TV star Kim Kardashian (38) on Twitter. The flames had devoured the edge of their property at Hidden Hills, but now the danger was probably outlawed.

"Doctor Strange", director Scott Derrickson (52) was less fortunate. "We lost our house," he wrote on Twitter Friday, but he and his family escaped "hell".

Kim Kardashian's estate is also threatened by the devastating wildfires in California.

© Noah Berger / Jesse Grant / AP / dpa / Getty Images / AFP

Forest fires in California / Los Angeles: 90,000 people are on the run

The chaos of flames drove some 90,000 people to flee into Southern California. The otherwise scenic Pacific Highway was wrapped in thick smoke on the coastal road cluttered with miles of traffic. According to the authorities' initial estimates, dozens of houses were set on fire in the Malibu and Ventura regions, but it did not initially report any deaths or injuries.

The catastrophic scenario that reigns north of "Gold State" is all the more dramatic as fierce winds set off the deadly steamroller on Thursday. In the escape from the place, heavenly tragedies took place. On the side of the road, burnt cars in ruins are smoldering with molten tires. At least nine people were killed here, four of them were burned, three bodies were found in front of charred houses, the fire department said on Saturday night.

Forest Fires in California / Los Angeles: Paradise Has Become a Flaming Hell

Paradise, a city of 27,000, is destroyed, Mayor Jody Jones said Friday. About 80% of the buildings were burned. The realtor Debbie Teter has little hope that his house is still standing. "I will not have any more work, my office is also set on fire and I want to buy houses here," said the 53-year-old San Francisco Chronicle.

With over 6,000 homes destroyed, Paradise's "Camp Fire" is one of the worst fires in California's history. A year ago, in October, several fires broke out north of San Francisco in the popular wine growing areas around Napa and Sonoma. The record: more than 40 dead, more than 5,700 buildings destroyed, a larger area than the city of New York charred.

The torched cars are near Lake Malibou.

© dpa / Ringo H.W. Chiu

The most important fires are generally raging during the fall months following a dry summer. But in the state of the west coast, shaken by drought, there is virtually no doubt. "Every day is fire season somewhere in California," said Ken Pimlott, fire chief Cal Fire.

For the inhabitants of Malibu too, the conflagration is an experience of déjà vu. The constant threat, especially when the Santa Ana winds blow, is the opposite of luxury in the posh city. In one of the worst fires in Malibu in 1993, three people lost their lives. Nearly 300 houses were burned at this time, including the residences of actors Sean Penn and Ali McGraw.

"I'm worried about my house, but I can not do anything," US singer Cher wrote on Twitter. "All my life, I've witnessed destruction caused by fire," said the 72-year-old star. Since 1972, she has a home in Malibu. "I can not stand the idea that Malibu would not exist anymore."


Also read: Two unknown culprits set fire to a bar with a sentence of fire. There was 100,000 euros of damage.


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