New Zealand: dozens of pilot whales stuck on the island


According to the DOC Environmental Protection Agency, on Monday, about half of the 145 whales had already died, although we do not know why.

(AP) On one island in New Zealand, several dozen pilot whales are stuck and some have died in pain. In total, over the weekend, up to 145 animals were landed on a deserted beach on Stewart Island, the southernmost island of the Pacific. According to the DOC environment protection agency, Monday, about half of the whales were already dead, the rest had to be euthanized. The reason for the mbad grounding is perplexed.

A total of 145 stranded whales were discovered Saturday by a hiker at Mason Bay, Rakiura, on Stewart Island, New Zealand. Pilot whales, also called pilot whales, measure up to eight meters long and can weigh up to three tons. In New Zealand, whales are often lost on beaches. (Image: Department of Conservation / PA)

A total of 145 stranded whales were discovered Saturday by a hiker at Mason Bay, Rakiura, on Stewart Island, New Zealand. Pilot whales, also called pilot whales, measure up to eight meters long and can weigh up to three tons. In New Zealand, whales are often lost on beaches. (Image: Department of Conservation / PA)

The flock was discovered Saturday night by a hiker traveling in the isolated coastal region. Initially, attempts were made to bring surviving whales back to the high seas, but without success. Finally, it was decided to kill the remaining animals. Experts suspect that a leader was hurt or sick, lost his sense of direction and others followed him. Or maybe the whales have entered a stream or been attacked by sharks.

Pilot whales, also called pilot whales, measure up to eight meters long and can weigh up to three tons. In New Zealand, whales are often lost on beaches. Last February, more than 300 whales were blocked.

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