Kindle Paperwhite 2 and Tolino Vision 2 in comparison – ALL


hint (November 2018): There is now the Kindle Paperwhite 4 and Tolino Vision 4 HD, which are significantly more different than those presented below in 2014. The Paperwhite now has a flat case, a protection against the Water and a built-in audiobook support (via Audible). The Vision 4 HD has no audio book function, but an integrated night light with blue light attenuation.

The following comparison refers to older models.

Amazon does not send the Kindle Paperwhite this year as a high-end flagship in the race (this task is the Travel), however, the only available for only 99 euros eBook Reader is the engine of the American company. With modern technology, excellent lighting and a wide range of software, it rivals the all-new Tolino Vision 2. But even that should not hide. The Vision 2 has the same display technology, but also has built-in water protection and an innovative scroll function. In addition, the Vision 2 is available in fixed bookstores – from 129 euros.

Which of the two eReader models has your nose in front of you, you will learn in the following comparison.


The Kindle Paperwhite and Tolino Vision 2 home screens are initially very similar. On both devices, the most recently read eBooks are displayed in cover mode and, in both cases, are directly below the connected store's book ad recommendations. Fortunately, the Kindle can hide these book recommendations (after much criticism from customers), the Tolino alliance still does not offer this option.

Unlike Vision 2, Paperwhite does not have its own library view. Instead, the home screen on the Amazon device acts as such, which has both advantages and disadvantages, but is ultimately a matter of taste. Both devices can be used for collection functions not with the popular Calibre e-book management software. Of course, in both cases, files can be copied to the device via Caliber.

At first glance, a similar structure of the home screens

Operation and basic functions

Operation is very fast on both devices: Paperwhite and Vision 2 use a Freescale iMX6 chip at 1 GHz, while the Tolino eReader drive with 512 MB of RAM provides twice as much RAM. Both eBook readers are controlled via a capacitive touch screen. In addition, the Tolino Vision 2 also features a capacitive docking button under the screen, as well as the innovative Tap2Flip feature, which allows you to flip it over with a faucet located at the bottom of the screen. back of the device. It works very well in practice after a short installation. Otherwise, both models offer the same scrolling options on the touch screen (drag and drop).

The font options are also very similar. Here you can see that Tolino manufacturers have apparently been inspired by the Kindle software. In addition to the choice of between five and six fonts, you can adjust the font size on seven levels, as well as the distances between lines and edges, in three steps. In addition, the orientation of the text can also be selected on Vision 2 (justified, justified on the left, centered). In addition, the Tolino e-reader dominates hyphenation, a feature that Kindle Paperwhite continues to offer, despite the demand often expressed by customers (in German-speaking countries).

Similar font options, but still blank on Paperwhite

The eBook purchase works very easily on both devices, but Amazon has succeeded thanks to the lack of support for Adobe DRM in terms of ease of use, but a tick improved tac. Thus, it is not necessary to register (once) with two different suppliers. Of course, this also has the disadvantage that Paperwhite does not support the popular ePub format, which means that eBooks must be purchased primarily from Amazon. At least as far as e-book prices are concerned, however, this is not a problem because they cost the same thing everywhere because of the price. However, if you want to stay as independent as possible, Vision 2 is the best device in this regard.

Extended functions

Kindle Paperwhite and Tolino Vision 2 offer both note and dictionary functions. The note function is called the same way in both cases (you can keep your finger on a word and add a note). With both devices, created notes are stored in an easy-to-copy TXT file and can later be processed externally.

In the dictionary function, Amazon has the border: The word definition or translation is opened in a small window and can therefore be displayed directly in the context of the text. In addition, comes as a German dictionary of Duden used and there is the possibility of expansion (usually with costs). In addition, you can also search for words in an existing WLAN connection on Wikipedia. On Tolino Vision 2, the dictionary function opens in one more click, in a new window. In addition, the source is currently only the Wiktionary Free used, which does not maintain the quality of the dictionaries edited. However, it also has the advantage that there are many preinstalled dictionaries to and from German.

The dictionary function is better on the Kindle Paperwhite and more accessible

Regardless of this, both models offer an Internet browser, which can be well used for quick reference despite the E-Ink display. However, the Kindle Paperwhite offers more features here (bookmark and article mode), while the Vision 2 browser was relatively poorly framed.

In addition, the Amazon device has two features that the vocabulary trainer and parental controls do not feature on the Vision 2.


The optics differs very clearly in both eReadern. The Tolino Vision 2 uses a flat box surface, as is known from the tablet or smartphone, the Kindle Paperwhite, the usual design of the e-book reader, in which the screen is integrated into the case. Both have advantages and disadvantages, so that ends up maintaining balance.

The treatment of both readers is impeccable. Even with coarse cracks or cracks, both look solid. At 174 grams, the Vision 2 is significantly lighter than the 206 grams of Kindle Paperwhite. Plus, the Vision 2 is smaller and flatter, so the bottom line is a little more comfortable in the hand.

The Tolino Vision 2 has an internal memory (usable) of 2.10 GB, the Paperwhite offers since the secret facelift 3.13 GB of space. In either case, the storage space is not expandable.


As often, the screens of the devices differ quite clearly in practice despite the same technology. Both use a carta e-ink screen with a resolution of 1024 × 758 pixels. Readability without lighting is very similar, i. There is no significant difference for practical operation.

The screens of the two eBook readers are very good, but the Paperwhite is still a bit better

It looks a little different with lighting, which leaves the Paperwhite the bottom line the best impression. The light diffuses more evenly across the screen and the contrast becomes much stronger when lighting is turned on. On the Tolino Vision 2, the font is not as black in direct comparison, which does not mean that the readability would be bad. In itself, of course, the Vision 2 has no problem using the display.

The maximum brightness of the screen on the Kindle Paperwhite is slightly higher and lower than that of the Vision 2.

value for money

Originally, the Kindle Paperwhite was sold at a price of 129 euros. Meanwhile, the Amazon workhorse costs only 99 euros, which gives the reader excellent value for money. The Tolino Vision 2 could be ordered at € 129 for the month of November, but now costs € 149 (excluding Club Bertels – € 129) for most of Tolino's partners. In any case, the price difference but at least 30 euros, which is very good account of technically very minimal differences (even if you include the water protection bonuses and Tap2Flip). Thus, the Paperwhite offers a better quality-price ratio if you can do without ePub files.


The bottom line is that both eBook readers present their best side. The Kindle Paperwhite is already part of the core workforce in the digital reading market and continues to enjoy great popularity (and rightly so). Software functions are mature, error-free and complete, with few defects (for example, missing a break).

Vision 2 and Paperwhite are very good devices, with the purchase you can not go wrong in either case. The Kindle eReader offers for 99 euros but the best value for money

But also the Tolino Vision 2 is a very good reader and could therefore convince in our test a long way. Although lighting is not as good as the Kindle, you can use ePub files and loan online.

In the end, the Kindle Paperwhite, but because of the much lower price as a winner of this comparison. Nevertheless, even with the purchase of the Tolino Vision 2 makes no mistake.

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