Fallout 76 – Important Changes Wanted by Fans


These things should improve Fallout 76, according to fans.These things should improve Fallout 76, according to fans.

Fallout 76 sends an online site filled with construction sites. This not only determines our Fallout 76 test, but also many other critics and fans.

One thing is certain: Bethesda will have to spend a lot of time on online role-playing, not only technically, but also in terms of content. Free content updates and some improvements have already been announced by the creators.

At Reddit, Wedge Walkers discuss things that Bethesda should improve in the future. Fans have made a list of changes, some of which have been prepared for you here.

Desired changes and improvements for Fallout 76

first Improved performance: Despite the first fixes, the frame rate of Fallout 76 still leaves something to be desired. Especially in cities or when there is a lot on the screen – for example during an event – there are often significant drops. We did not worry about that during the test.

Many players also complain about mbadive frame losses. "The fight against a queen Burnbeast reminds on the PS4 a slideshow (less than 10 frames per second)," writes the user Angry Bulldog.

2. There should be a hub: It's a fixed place where players can meet, for example, to interact with each other or maybe just do anything. Maybe a city or a special settlement. Here's what Fate Tower 2 offers: Here, meet online players in a hub that serves as a collection point and trading base.

Fallout 76 does not really shine with the intelligent AI of his opponent.Fallout 76 does not really shine with the intelligent AI of his opponent.

third Improvement of IA: The enemy artificial intelligence in Fallout 76 leaves a lot to be desired. In combat, enemies often do something other than being smart, for example, they are hanging on walls. Here Bethesda must help, criticizing, among others, the ambiotic user of Reddit.

4. Best Booty of Burnbeasts: Not only the user of Reddit, oMrBadgero, should be better. Swagger of the so-called Brand Beasts, ie That the opponents of the end of the game wish. We had already talked about a player rewarded with a rolling pin after defeating a Queen of Burnbeast and who was also expecting a loot of greater value.

Fans want better loot for the brand beasts.Fans want better loot for the brand beasts.

With the clbadic burning animals, one currently only receives a Brandbesian liver, leather and a 10mm pistol. From time to time, something "GOOD material" would be desirable, written in addition Dumpingtruck. After all, burnbeasts are anything but easy to kill. Why not be reasonably rewarded for this?

That creators hear and implement the lower points, of course, is open. The suggestions always seem interesting and useful.

What more do you think Bethesda needs to improve Fallout 76?

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2:22 p.m.

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