A big victory for the Austrian sport «kleinezeitung.at


In Armin Assinger have known in the "millionenshow celebrity" on Monday the known Austrian sportsmen 120 000 euros for the Austrian sport

30:07, October 30, 2018

The millionenshow fame
Does Armin Assinger help his candidates Michaela Kirchgbader and Rainer Schönfelder here? © ORF

A total of 120,000 euros for the Austrian Sports Aid – Alina Zellhofer and Kristina Inhof, Michaela Kirchgbader and Rainer Schoenfelder, Markus Prock and David Gleirscher and Teresa & Alois Stadlober on Monday at the Armin "millionenshow" celebrity Assinger.

Teresa and Alois Stadlober started as a father-daughter team. Teresa: "On TV, the studio looks bigger and the atmosphere is quite familiar." The two headed with the help of the phone's wildcard and the correct answer B to the twelfth question (whose nationality did the parents of Alexander Van der Bellen when they fled to Austria?
A: Belgium, B: Estonia, C: Vatican, D: Italy) contributed € 25,000 to this result.

Kristina Inhof and Alina Zellhofer secured with the support of all
three Joker the Sporthilfe another 35,000 euros with the right
Answer B to the thirteenth question (with the name of his youngest daughter, honor the
It can be argued that Charles's favorite grand-uncle, Louis Mountbatten, calls
A: Uncle Chucky, B: Uncle Dickie, C: Uncle Rocky, D: Uncle

Michaela Kirchgbader and Rainer Schönfelder provided the correct answer. D for the 13th question, 35,000 euros for a good cause (what term used in marketing jargon means abandoned products of a company?
A: lazy horses, B: heavy bulls, C: crazy birds,
D: poor dogs).

David Gleirscher and Markus Prock have won another 25,000 euros. with
Telephone joker help did you know the correct answer D on the
12. Question (for DC, is the English abbreviation also …?
AB, B: BA, C: AC, D: DC).

After the TV show, the "Celebrity Millionaire Show" will be available for seven days as video-on-demand on ORF TVthek (http://TVthek.ORF.at).

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