A second date – YES or NO?


Ask yourself these 7 questions if the first meeting was "okay".

It's time! After a few message exchanges, you finally sit in front of your appointment at the first meeting. The hours go by, you speak pretty well, but the sparks we know of movies do not really want to spray. The date is, good, good. Finally comes the question of one second. But should we meet again, if the first was just correct? After all, you do not want to waste time! These seven questions of applying dating Once can help you decide for or against another date:

1. How many times have I wanted to check my phone?

Feeling tempted to see if you have new messages during the meeting is not usually a sign of exciting conversation. If the conversation with the other person is interesting, you do not want to take the time to answer unread messages. If the hours have pbaded as in flight and the roommate's emergency call has landed on the mailbox, the second date is put to the vote.

2. Was my interlocutor kind to strangers?

"The conversation in the chat is usually different from the face-to-face session.The reaction time is shorter and you can not think twice about what you mean." The emojis are replaced by gestures and facial expressions, "explains Clémentine Lalande, CEO of the dating application Once, but also how the date behaves towards servers or other people, can allow conclusions about personality. he / she polite and friendly – then nothing speaks against another meeting.

3. Did I feel at home on the date?

In addition to the general welfare in the presence of the date, we should also be able to relax in the conversational breaks, however, if a short silence causes discomfort and we start talking about his lunch, so that the break is filled – we should release a Wiedersehen

4. Would I pair my number ro with a friend?

If one is enthusiastic about a person, one is ecstatic. Maybe a hobby caught us, fascinated a property or the first kiss was sensational? Anyway, as soon as you get someone from the third prospect with a girlfriend / boyfriend, you should say "yes" to a second meeting – without a recommendation of course.

5. I wanted to know more about my appointment?

"The first face-to-face interview is the perfect way to learn more about your game, the profile information is usually not complete and you can not know everything about the chat, but you have a first impression, it is now the best opportunity to consolidate the image, "says expert meetings.Whoever quickly loses interest in each other at the first meeting, stop asking questions or even realizes that the impression was wrong can say goodbye to the second date.

6. Have we laughed a lot?

Humor is one of the most important factors Strong in mutual attraction.Many find fun the first day even more important than romance or crackling.If you can make yourself laugh each other, both in chat and personal conversations, you should meet you more often.

7. Es did i find my counterpart attractive?

"The foundation for finding someone cute, bady or attractive is already presented with profile pictures.Here, the first dates are also the most common disappointments because the person no longer looks more like our Imagine, "explains Clementine Lalande.If you find your match attractive even after getting to know each other personally, it's definitely a vote for the second date.

The feeling of the gut is finally the decisive factor, whether you meet someone or not.Because the first date will always be a little nervous and it's not unusual for us to extol until the second, third or fourth meeting.


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