Action and criticism: "Tschiller – Off Duty": Is the scene worth it today with Til Schweiger? – Celebrities, Curiosities, TV


Til Schweiger interrupts today with the premiere of Free-TV's "Tschiller – Off Duty" crime scene. The viewer can expect a piece of action quite meaningless. The Critic

The scene is in the summer holidays. Since the fall of "Free Land" in Munich, the 2017/18 season, which ran from late August to June, has ended. During the summer holidays there are mostly covers in the program for weeks, but this year there is an exception and an interruption: the broadcast of the two-hour stage of Til Schweiger titled "Tschiller – Off Duty ", who today (8:15 pm) in the first races.

History: That's what the crime scene tells

After his solitary attempts linked to the outbreak of his nemesis Firat Astan, the murder of his ex-wife Isabella Schoppenroth and another A sensational hostage taking, LKA investigator Nick Tscher (Til Schweiger) has been out of service for a while. He wants to use the time to finally take care of his daughter Lenny (Luna Schweiger) as a single parent. But then it disappears.

Chiller's loyal partner, Yalcin Gümer (Fahri Yardim), locates Lenny's mobile phone in Istanbul. The girl wants revenge of herself in Turkey. When Nick learns that even his sworn enemy has escaped from the Turkish prison, he knows that his daughter is in danger. He must therefore do what he does best: he reaches out for the weapon …

Trailer: Overview of the crime scene with Til Schweiger

Review: Is it worth it to "Tschiller – Off Duty

It sleeps in the psychic abyss of man, the macho .. One like Bruce Willis, who saves the # 39, America of darkness and snatches cynical slogans Spätpubertär, but legitimate, at least if it is integrated into a sophisticated concept of tension and that the film can be very expensive.

Til Schweiger would also like to have such a type. Producer, director, actor and career badistant of his daughters proves it with his contributions to the series "Tatort." In 2016, the theatrical version "Tschiller – Off Duty", which dropped to box-office, showed how one can distinguish himself as a cop cop unlike Bruce Willis.But since the extended portion of 130 minutes was already there, she must fill the summer hole in the first one today. Even though the master cursed miserably and – as expected at the cinema – little spec

What is the audience waiting for this silence, whose strength is more in comedies like the "hare without ears" or the history of Alzheimer's disease? ? A piece of action quite meaningless as a first on TV; an attempt to import Hollywood into Germany; a contrast with the stories of Tatort refugees turned in production line production. Tschiller tears the walls, runs through the canyons of the street and does what a man thinks he has to do – sometimes brutal act to his reasoning errors. Although an action thriller does not have to follow the rules of logic, the approaches to personal justice that haunt Tschiller and his daughter Lenny (Luna Schweiger) are disturbing.

In Istanbul, she gets a weapon to kill her mother's killer. The 17-year-old is quickly kidnapped and sold to Russia as a forced prostitute. That his father as an amateur surgeon at the end of his daughter a slug of the body, is – according to the point of view – the height of contempt for humanity or in any ridiculous absurdity.


Til Schweiger in action: A scene from the crime scene "Tschiller – Off Duty".

Image: Warner Bros./Nik Konietzy, non-delivery report

Viewed in this way, the action scenes are relativised. Blows and escapes on the roofs of Istanbul are fairly common cinema models. Since the Russian duel between a Lada and a combine does more. And turning off the agricultural machine on Red Square seems to be the biggest crime in Moscow. Ironically, "Tschiller – Off Duty" has difficulties anyway.

Another tasting dialogue: Tells the tired Nick to his friend Yalcin: "I wanted to tell you that I like you." Yalcin: "Was it Now a Marriage Proposal?" Who said that the action heroes have no feelings?

Notice and Quote: So was the answer to the season of crime scenes

36 new episodes of "crime scene" took place last season. Higher ratings once again brought Münster and Cologne in 2018. But content was also needed. There was, for example, a thriller that turned to the bad industry ("bad" Munich, 8.10.), An attempt to renovate RAF ("The Red Shadow" of Stuttgart, 15.10.), A thriller on a party in the manner of AfD ("Dark Time" of Hamburg, with Wotan Wilke Möhring, 17.12.), A crazy movie in the film in the film ("Meta" of Berlin, 18.2.) And a thriller based on the real case Bögerl with Maria Furtwängler ("The Case Holdt", 5.11.), Which, like the real case of 2010, remained unresolved and disappointed many spectators.

A film from Bremen also caused a sensation in autumn. Commissioner Stedefreund (Oliver Mommsen) was in the episode "Back to the Light" (22.10.) Full front, as we call it in jargon, so naked with a penis to see. That did not exist before – at least for no major actor in the series. Incidentally, the duo Bremen Lürsen / Stedefreund says goodbye soon. 2019 is over.

A supernatural horror film from Frankfurt ("Fear", 29.10.) In addition to another improper crime game with Ulrike Folkerts ("Waldlust", 4.3.) Were also exceptional. A first "Tatort" with improvised dialogues by filmmaker Axel Ranisch was criticized early in 2017, mainly because of the amateur actors involved.

The film "Babbeldasch" had also promoted internal considerations at the ARD on a limitation of experience. institutions involved. Ranisch's second "crime scene" without a screenplay was much better viewed by viewers and critics

  A Penguin in Forensic Medicine with Commissioner Frank Thiel (Axel Prahl, l) and Professor Boerne (Jan Josef Liefers) in Münster. Photo: Thomas Kost / WDR / ARD

Highlight of the Crime Scene Season: A Penguin in Forensic Medicine with Commissioner Frank Thiel (Axel Prahl) and Professor Boerne (Jan Josef Liefers) in Münster.

Picture: Thomas Kost / WDR / ARD (dpa)

Folkert's character, Lena Odenthal, also lost to compatriot Kopper this season after more than 20 years and nearly 60 cases. He finished after a mysterious and quite personal mafia case (title "Kopper", 7.1.) The police department and went to Italy. Actor Andreas Hoppe did not hide that he would have liked to stay on board, so his departure was unintentional.

Another goodbye, also not quite at peace with the station responsible: Alwara Höfels gave Dresden after six films their role Henni Sieland on. Among other things, a "lack of artistic consensus" has led, as she has said. An online dating case ("Who's Alone Now", May 21) was his last. And another announcement came out this season: in Switzerland, Flückiger and Ritschard stop (Stefan Gubser and Delia Mayer). Instead of Lucerne soon determined in Zurich

Summer break: What is the next scene?

July: "Crime scene: power and helplessness" (Wdh., Munich)
22. July: "Tatort: ​​Taxi in Leipzig" (Wdh., Kiel / Hanover)
29. July : "Crime scene: Born in pain" (Wdh., Wiesbaden)
05. August: "Tatort: ​​Music dies" (Wdh, Lucerne)

Tatort-Kommissare: Who determines where?

Image: Marion von the Mehden (NDR), dpa

(drs, rup, dpa)

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