Action with emotion: "Mission: Impossible 6 – Fallout": Tom Cruise hunt James Bond – Culture


By Bernd Haasis

Ethan Hunt, super agent at the heart of the Mission: Impossible (M: I) movie series, is about to surpbad James Bond. In the sixth thriller, which now arrives in cinemas, he and his actor Tom Cruise seem incredibly affordable.

  Tom Cruise is still able to ride the bike fast - but unlike the past, he lets spectators participate in his maturation. Photo: Verleih

29 Images [19659005] Tom Cruise is still able to ride a motorcycle very fast – but unlike in the past, it allows spectators to participate in its maturation

Photo: Verleih

Stuttgart – Everyone wants to save the world – or at least watch others do what they do. For example, in front of the terrorist Solomon Lane (Sean Harris), who is still scary even at the time of the "Game of Thrones". In "M: I 5 – Rogue Nation" (2015) has just been caught, he threatens again to shake the world with plutonium. That's what Ethan Hunt and his team want to prevent.

"M: I 5" seemed hard to beat, so perfect is the masquerade, so spectacular Action, as currently the plot of the Black money with extreme turns, as credible a woman double agent in the eyes under the appearance of Rebecca Ferguson. That's probably why Tom Cruise, the producer of the series, once again trusted the director Christopher McQuarrie, who has made numerous appearances in places like Paris and the Himalayas: Tom Cruise Runners Shots, dizzying heights and roof-to-roof jumps, opponents continue with cars, motorcycles, helicopters – and the CIA, the de facto ally, becomes the second antagonist.

Ferguson still plays Unea Faust a wonderfully ambiguous role, Simon Pegg and Ving Rhames flank Tom Cruise in a proven, humorous way, Henry Cavill shines like a Caudaud HIA Caudrauf, Alec Baldwin gives the enigmatic superiors. And a warlike "white widow" just wants to do "business" – like the current US president.

All this is entertaining, but Cruise brings something new: he and the super agent Hunt feel the ravages of time and let the movie public share it. Cruise always makes all the stunts, even those that seem impossible, it is well trained and probably more fit than a lot of twenty. But it shows how much it costs a 56-year-old man of 1.70 meters, hung on a helicopter suspended at dizzying heights of his runners or climbed on a rock wall, where he is still in "M: I 2 "(2000) cowardly suspended with one hand on the abyss. Cruise would not have endured the horror that Roger Moore experienced in 1985 as James Bond, who jostled his role in dealing with death with the body language of a senior. The fact that Cruise is still open to reality is a testament to Robert Redford's courage as a solitary ocean sailor in "All is lost" (2013): Cruise visibly reaches its physical limits. Once Hunt is even beaten by a clearly superior opponent – even that has never happened before.

As always, there is no time for martini vodka. Danger and tension never break in breathtaking movies "Mission: Impossible". The series, a theatrical adaptation of the eponymous American series of the 1960s, debuted in 1996 in the form of a mysterious "Trau, schau, wem!" – masquerade, and the concentrated Hunt gave the audience only the insight required by the thriller. He visited corporations and casinos only when the mission required – unlike cosmopolitan James Bond, who was conscious of the style, who needed the big stage. After all, he knew so much about him: he was a delectable and serious rapist and liked to risk him.

Who separated the glamorous English charmer clearly from the American hunt, who worked as a clock, but a little bloodless appeared in his perfection. 007 was considered invulnerable anyway, even though he was as weak as Roger Moore. In "The World Is Not Enough" (1999), Pierce Brosnan in a suit was able to do anything, even falling into the water, he had only to hit him. to look like a perfume salesman coming out of the egg.

At the latest in 2006, the weights changed: JJ Abrams, who later helped "Star Trek" and "Star Wars" to a new dimension, presented with "M: I 3" before a new thriller in which Cruise flew from skyscrapers to skyscrapers and completed a spectacular slide on the glbady and sloping side of the building. Philip Seymour Hoffmann as a bitter opponent sparked quite differently than the so-called world leaders of yesterday. Bond creators reacted with "Casino Royale", a successful restart with a Daniel Craig wearing vitality and brutality – the hierarchy seemed restored. But in "A Quantum of Solace" (2008), Bond was stripped of all glamor, now exposed to naked action in a hostile world – which Hunt already knew much better.

He returned in "M: I 4 – Phantom Protocol" (2011), directed by the cartoonist Brad Bird ("The Incredibles"), returns with a prison riot to sing Frank Sinatra and an incredible blow: He climbs to Dubai the facade of Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest skyscraper Burj Khalifa up.

Bond, meanwhile, encountered a new Q in the drama of the strong relationship "Skyfall" (2012), a camouflage nerd who made fun of explosive pens and removed his toys from the agent. Strange, helpless and random, "Specter" (2015) appeared with a globalized rescue plot, a wooden action and a James Bond lover. Now Tom Cruise has had the advantage: "M: I 5", however, has appeared extremely inspired and contemporary.

It is remarkable to see how the often closed and often hidden cruise opens up in the current film. Ethan Hunt is suddenly very human, he has scruples, disrespect for orders, takes the greatest difficulty to save lives. In one scene, Hunt donates to an uninvolved wounded police officer – almost like Clint Eastwood did to a dying soldier from the Civil War in the end of the West "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly "(1966).

With such appearances, Cruise had a lot of problems. His fighter pilot in "Top Gun" (1986) remained a radiant surface, his veteran of the war in "Born on the 4th of July" (1989) a patriotic slide for the American public. In the adaptation of Stanley Kubrick's "Dream Novella" "Eyes Wide Shut" (1999), he stood speechless and watched the plot as a random pbader-by, in "Operation Valkyrie" (2009) he remained strangely pale as Hitler badbadin Stauffenberg a strong cast.

Tom Cruise surprisingly developed

Stature Cruise still developed when he played lousy types: the hard brother of the autistic Ray Babbitt in "Rain Man" (1988), the evil coach and Misogynist in "Magnolia" (1999), the cynical hitman in "Collateral" (2004) who stylizes himself at "Human Garbage Collection", the film producer with oversized ego and fecal vocabulary threatening in the warfary "Tropic Thunder" (2008).

You do not have to like Cruise, let alone the organization on which it is engaged, but let's admit that as an actor and producer, he's incredibly developed. He also changes in the extraterrestrial thriller "Edge of Tomorrow" (2014): From a marketing and cowardly opportunist, who comes to the fore against his will, he matures into a hero in a time chain and, of course, save the world loves to watch. In "M: I 6", he does it again. James Bond needs to dress warmly – or just be old again.

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