"Adam is looking for Eve" with Melanie Müller naked? "People already know it anyway"


Rhodes / Leipzig – The first episode of the show "Adam sucht Eva" on RTL Nackedei is broadcast. The most famous celebrity who dropped the covers is this time Gina-Lisa LohfinkWhat the ex-queen of the jungle Melanie Müller (30) thinks about the participation of the 32 years and the question of whether she would participate or not, she betrayed us.

Gina-Lisa Lohfink (32) is the star of this year

Gina-Lisa Lohfink (32) is the star of this year's "Adam Sucht Eva" -Staffel. Whatever the case may be, Antonino (36) has big eyes.

Sachse Martin (28) made it to Gina-Lisa on the first day "Adam sucht Eve" in Greece (TAG24 report). The Chemnitz was very interested in the ex-candidate of the completely renewed supermodel and at a dinner they got to know each other very well. Naked, of course.

The fact that Lohfink even participates in such a permissive format astonished Ballermann singer Melanie Müller. "She has a good figure and a good appearance, but I would not, so all naked all day," said TAG24, 30.

But when the Leipzig woman watched the first episode of the new season, "I thought to myself:" This is not so bad! "Is Melanie Müller ready for the bad show?" If I were single, I might meet in a minute. "

But she is not single and lives with her husband Mike Blümer (52 years old) and his daughter Mia Rose (13 months) in Leipzig. If she still had, Melanie at least with nakedness would not have major problems. Müller: "I would show myself a lot, but people know it anyway." The 30-year-old woman had earned her money earlier in the adult industry. This chapter left it behind, but do not hide it.

About: In the second episode "Adam sucht Eva" (Saturday, 23:20, RTL), there is a surprise. In the preview, which was shown after the premiere, Martin and Antonino actually voted against Gina-Lisa. But does the Lohfink really have to leave? The resolution is available >>> here.

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