Adobe would have brought Photoshop full for iPad

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Apple tries his

more and more like a notebook replacement position. Specifically, the iPad Pro series, for which there is also an official pen and keyboard Apple should offer everything a laptop has. However, especially in the creative industry, which is often based on Apple devices, the MacBook could not be rendered obsolete because an important tool is missing on the iPad [[] 19659002]: Photoshop

Up to now, Adobe has only released small versions and spin-offs of image editing software ] for the Apple tablet. But as Bloomberg reports, it could soon change. According to internal sources, Adobe will be fully operational in October

Photoshop presentation
for the iPad . The application is expected to come out in 2019.


The Adobe Creative Cloud product manager has confirmed that he is working on a cross-platform version of Photoshop . However, he brought the iPad as an example of how much work it is necessary to adapt Photoshop to modern equipment. He did not name the platforms and the release date.

It is also unclear how the iPad app integrates into the subscription model of

will integrate it. If you close a subscription to Creative Cloud products, you can install them on two different computers, such as a desktop computer and a laptop. If the iPad is also treated as a PC, this could cause resentment at the customer. Users who use the iPad as a third-party device must temporarily disable one of the other two devices in Creative Cloud before they can use Photoshop on the iPad [[]]. 19659002].


Apple tries his

more and more like a notebook replacement position. Specifically, the iPad Pro series, for which there is also an official pen and keyboard Apple should offer everything a laptop has. However, especially in the creative industry, which is often based on Apple devices, the MacBook could not be rendered obsolete because an important tool is missing on the iPad [[] 19659002]: Photoshop

Up to now, Adobe has only released small versions and spin-offs of image editing software ] for the Apple tablet. But as Bloomberg reports, it could soon change. According to internal sources, Adobe will be fully operational in October

Photoshop presentation
for the iPad . The application is expected to come out in 2019.


The Adobe Creative Cloud product manager has confirmed that he is working on a cross-platform version of Photoshop . However, he brought the iPad as an example of how much work it is necessary to adapt Photoshop to modern equipment. He did not name the platforms and the release date.

It is also unclear how the iPad app integrates into the subscription model of

will integrate it. If you close a subscription to Creative Cloud products, you can install them on two different computers, such as a desktop computer and a laptop. If the iPad is also treated as a PC, this could cause resentment at the customer. Users who use the iPad as a third-party device must temporarily disable one of the other two devices in the Creative Cloud before they can use Photoshop on the iPad [19659002]. ] [ad_2]
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