After the title-triple is for the Raiders ahead of the football championship | Tiroler Tageszeitung online


By Alois Moser

Vienna – Four years ago, Austria was leading the European Football Championship at the European Football Championship. At the European Championship in Vantaa, Finland, from Sunday it is different: the place of the course – but also the red-white-red team is completely new. And the reigning champion is missing at all

After long struggles for the European Championship (Germany was originally planned as an organizer, note), the Germans do not have any. do not appear on the field at the European Championships in Finland. But even without his home country, Austrian coach Shuan Fatah, originally from Berliner, is already in the preliminary round on Sunday as a top challenger: "Sweden and Denmark are strong opponents". "Some of my players are still pretty green behind their ears." Last but not least, several failures and cancellations ensure that the staff's situation bothers the Raiders coach full time: "In some positions we are very meager."

This is a good opportunity for young players, as the 50-year-old player thinks: "It's good that boys have to work, that's the only way to get the job done. to learn something."

A premise that Fatah also follows as a Raiders coach. In addition to the 16 players in their stable, which are the lion's share, many Viennese Vikings, who were defeated in the Austrian Bowl, add: "I'm curious to know how the Raiders and Vikings are doing. hear in the final after this epic battle. " However, the Berliner does not believe in group formation in his team of 53 players: "They are all professionals, there is then a national team." The Oldie team Thomas Pichlmann, now represented at football after two international in football, smiles: "Under the red-white-red helmet are all the same.The anticipation is huge."

As a result, is the expectation. "Should we survive the preliminary round, we will probably meet France in the final," already thinks AFBÖ President Michael Eschlböck on the possible final. "Our minimum goal is the final, but of course everyone wants the title," said Vice President Pichlmann and his colleagues.

Tomorrow we will go to Finland – Denmark waits Sunday (3 pm)

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