Aidshilfe wants to encourage testing


In Vorarlberg, eleven people were diagnosed with HIV in 2017. According to Renate Fleisch of Aidshilfe Vorarlberg, 40% of infected people receive the diagnosis very late. We want to counter that and encourage testing.

Just in time for World Aids Day, Aidshilfe Vorarlberg draws attention to HIV with posters saying "Kiss me darling". Thus, unsubstantiated but still existing fears of contact should be addressed.

worldaidday m kissing me

Aidshilfe Vorarlberg

Contagion by the ignorant

The AIDS issue has become less relevant to the general public in recent years – but there are still new infections: Eleven people in Vorarlberg were diagnosed with HIV last year – about the same number than in previous years.

Aids in Vorarlberg

  • Positive tests until December 2017: 454 people
  • Newly discovered infections in 2017: 11 people (2016: 14)
  • Up to now suffering from AIDS: 146 people
  • Of those who died: 78 people

The Aids-Hilfe wants to educate people and encourage them to get tested for HIV infection as early as possible. About 40 percent of infected people are diagnosed late, according to the meat director at Aidshilfe-Vorarlberg. Thus, the virus is still often transmitted by people who know nothing about their infection. The ignorance of an infection also presents many disadvantages for the affected people, because a very good evolution of the disease can be ensured, in particular by an early medicinal treatment. It would be a challenge to reach this group of ignorant people.

European Week of HIV and Hepatitis Testing:

  • When: November 23rd to 23rd, 2018
  • What: free quick tests
  • Trial offer to the year: Tuesday and Thursday from 17h00 to 17h00
  • Where: Consultation Center
    Fight against AIDS Vorarlberg, Kaspar-Hagen-Strbade 5, I. Stock, 6900 Bregenz
  • Other information: Aidshilfe Vorarlberg

150 self-tests sold in pharmacy

The tests can be done anonymously and free twice a week at Aidshilfe Vorarlberg. Since the summer, one can also buy self tests in pharmacies. Since then, about 150 have been sold in Vorarlberg.

The Vorarlberger Aidshilfe currently hosts 120 people, including 70 regularly. Among them is an eleven year old child, in which the virus was transmitted at birth. The oldest customer of Aidshilfe Vorarlberg is 78 years old. The goal of care is the preservation of health and the development of new perspectives of life (professional), therefore meat.

Activities around World Aids Day

On Wednesday, Mattias Gerschwitz, author at the Dornbirn Public Library, will present a technical contribution on the theme "Open or Secret: Coping with HIV". The departure is at 19:00

Next week, until early December, "boxes of fun" will be installed in about 25 restaurants and tobaccos: they will be filled with condoms, matches and glucose.


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